Apr 18, 2022

April 18th ~ Homewards Bound

 In three words I can sum up everything
 I’ve learned about life: it goes on...

Being in NC with my family was a much needed break. 
 I had the time of my life.  Relaxing and just catching up 
with everyone.  I'm soon back to the hustle and bustle of work
 again, but this little brake has given me "new" life again.  I'm
 happy and I am grateful to have had this time with everyone.

My gears are already shifted back to Branson and to work. 
 Looking forward to being home with Sniff and Arvid. 
 After all they are my sanity in this crazy world we
 live in.  I have missed my little Sniff Sniff a lot.

I already am missing my mom and dad.  My sisters, 
nieces and nephews, but how lucky I am that I was able to 
see them.  many are not so fortunate.  For that I am grateful.

Yesterday is not ours to recover,
 but tomorrow is ours to win or lose...
