Mar 22, 2022

Tuesday March 22nd ~

Today is one of those days that
 even my coffee needs coffee...

It's only Tuesday, and boy did the week begin with a BANG! 
 From the minute I walk into the office the phone does not did ringing.  
Not unusual, but goodness.  We are full, and the list keeps growing
 of people needing a place to stay.  In this business, that's all good.

We've been having summer like weather for some days now. 
 Sunday was so beautiful we were able to sit outdoors 
and have lunch.  Perfect start of spring.

Unfortunately, yesterday the temperature just dropped.  
Branson for you. Suddenly the rain came accompanied by hail.
  Today, it will rain all day long it seems.  Again, Branson.

There is absolutely no time for us to do much.  I have 
been busy to the point I have not been able to call my mom as
frequently as I did.  Make me sad.  I love talking to her regularly.
  It will happen again, just need to get everything prioritized.

New day begins.  Based on my agenda, it should be less hectic, 
on the other hand yesterday was also supposed to be a less "hectic"
 day.  It was not.  Oh well.  Life happens, and we just roll with it.

By the way, the next time someone says to you, 
"a slot just opened up.  A wedding guest cancelled.  You 
are now welcome to take their place as the guest."  Just say 
thank you, but no thank you brother.  I made other plans.

I'm having one of those days.
  How about you?...
