The man who has confidence in
himself gains the confidence of others...
The squirrel is driving me crazy 😂. He eats all
the food and no matter what I do, he finds a way to
sneak up the feeders and gobble up the food.
Yesterday I caught him doing it again. I ran down
the slope as fast as I could. I only slipped one time😅.
I cleared some limbs from this really prickly tree and in
the process I must have pulled a muscle in my shoulder.
Now of course I hurt, but I feel ok because the
squirrel has not been able to get to the feeder as yet.
My fingers are covered with thorns and splinters, but I will
live 😊 I like the little squirrel, I even buy squirrel food,
but he is intent on eating the birdies foodies as well.
Sniff is doing good. The weather is beautiful and though
busy, life is full of wonder and all things beautiful.
Wishing everyone a good day. Enjoy your life. Live it.
No matter what your circumnavigate, don’t wait for “better”
times. These are your better times. After all you are alive 🥰
Three things you shouldn’t lose this week; your faith,
your courage, and your smile. Happy new week....