Take a small step everyday. No one is
perfect, that's why pencils have erasers...
perfect, that's why pencils have erasers...
My dad is adorable always. This was him yesterday 💙all
set to go to a meeting in their neighborhood. My dad loves to
be a part of the community he lives in. From little I remember
him to always organizing the neighbors and to bring everyone
together. Everyone loved him then. Every one loves him now.
Arvid is always finding things to do, and he has an
avid "helper" in Sniff. Yes, I also help with whatever
it is he has going on. Never a dull moment here.
Today Rocco is back home. Happy as can be.
The days are beautiful, but hot. Island life is good.
The most beautiful people wear their hearts on
their sleeves, and their souls in their smiles