When a new day begins, dare to smile gratefully...
Sniff is so happy. He just can't seem to get enough
of his dada. He makes sure he's never too far from
his dada. I love to seeing them together like this.
Routines. So very important sometimes.
For Arvid, for Sniff and even for me. Keeps us happy.
For Arvid, for Sniff and even for me. Keeps us happy.
Wishing everyone a week filled with positivity and better
things to come. Let's not forget that small positive changes
to your morning routine can transform your entire day.
Today I waited 2 hours trying to trap either Milo
or Taina 😹. No luck. The both walked into the
trap several times. Ate everything then casually
backed out. Let's see what tomorrow holds.
Every new day begins with possibilities...