Jun 3, 2021

Thursday June 3rd ~

 The most thankful people are the most generous people...

I'm exhausted.  Not just physically but also mentally.  
Island living is not what it's cut out to be.  At least not
 right now.  I am worn out and for some reason feeling
 bla, and it's been this way for some time now.

Going to the beach does help.  I love the water and I love 
the beach. I also love my Sniff.  He is always my happy place.

 Looking forward to lunch with my sister and Kimsy today.
  J is back homme in Miami.  Florida has reopened and soon
 he will be back in an office setting.  A definite yes!

Good morning all.  Hello Thursday. 

At the end of the day, I am thankful that my
 blessings are bigger than my problems...
