There are two great days in a person’s life – the
day we are born and the day we discover why...
day we are born and the day we discover why...
In Arvid's world, hot chocolate is only had on
very cold days. Living in Puerto Rico that for sure
will not happen much. The cold days I mean. I was
in the mood for hot chocolate, and after Victoria
☕ mentioned it on Sunday, even more so. I don't
live by set rules. I do as I want when I want.
Arvid says I am a "wild card 😂." Funny
very cold days. Living in Puerto Rico that for sure
will not happen much. The cold days I mean. I was
in the mood for hot chocolate, and after Victoria
☕ mentioned it on Sunday, even more so. I don't
live by set rules. I do as I want when I want.
Arvid says I am a "wild card 😂." Funny
Arvid is set in certain things, but he gets around seeing
it my may sooner or later. Sometimes much later😂
Bottom line we had hot chocolate on a warm day.
It rained heavily most of yesterday, but by five o'clock
it stopped and we managed to get a little walk in. Yesterday
we just walked within our complex area in case the rain came,
and come it did, but fortunately we were back in and dry.
No rain as I walked this morning. All the kitties were fed.
Litt5le Marbles keeps getting friendlier and friendlier. I picked
her up very briefly this morning, but she didn't stay long. Dark
clouds are rolling in, but hopefully will be clearing up soon.
Sniff's doing good. He has decided to eat again so
for the next few days I will not be stressing so much
him 😂. Not sure what the day hold, but as long as
it's bright and sunny there are endless possibilities.
Life is essentially an endless series of problems. The
solution to one problem is merely the creation of the next one.
Don’t hope for a life without problems. There’s no such
thing. Instead, hope for a life full of good problems...