Feb 6, 2021

Saturday February 6th ~

Step outside of your comfort zone and go beyond the
 boundaries that you and others have set for yourself.
Life begins at the end of your comfort zone...

Here at home I do a lot of laundry.  Most of it is for
 Sniff 😻.  He has two beds.  Each bed has 2 beds, one on top
 of the other.  The way I see it, he sleeps higher, and he has more
 cushioning.  Plus we have the beds so why not use them.  

Sniff loves his beds here at home in Florida.  When
we were in Puerto Rico it took him a very long time to get 
used to a different sleeping spot.  For over a month in 
Puerto Rico he had no place he really loved to sleep in,
 but now he has.  And then suddenly we were gone.

Last night was my tropical night.  I was in the
 mood for some island drinks.  Piña colada it was for
Arvid and I.  I have to say they were very good.

In Puerto Rico we were never able to find BBQ 
chicken wings, so on Thursday we finally ordered in and 
they were delicious.  Another thing I missed was Snow Crabs.  
Since coming back to Florida I have had it quite a few
 times.  Today again, so I am very happy.

To all a good day.  Suddenly the skies
 darkened up, but it is no longer cold.

Never regret a day in your life.  Good days give 
happiness, bad days give experience, worst days
 give lessons, and best days give memories...
