Feb 22, 2021

Monday February 22 ~

 If you feel like you are losing everything,
 remember trees lose their leaves every year, and they
 still stand tall waiting for better days to come...

These are all from Lauderdale by The Sea, just
 about 15 minutes from us, and where at one time
 Arvid and I lived.  Point being, Florida sure is
beautiful and we are sure enjoying "winter"

These pictures were not taken by me, I just
think they are beautiful, so had to share.

Counting down the days until we go to visit my
 parents in NC.  It's been a while and I am so happy
 Arvid was the one who suggested it.  Was not sure 
how he would react if I did because of Covid.  

May this week be the start of better things to come.  

What a wonderful thought it is that some of
 the best days of our lives haven't happened yet...
