Dec 12, 2020

Saturday December 12 In Puerto Rico ~

 Christmas will always be as long as we 
stand heart to heart and hand in hand...

Pretty soon it will be Christmas Day.  It used 
to be my favorite time of the year as a child, but being
 with Arvid who does not like Christmas at all, some 
of the joy was taken away.  This year it's back because I
 am in Puerto Rico with my sister and family.

Not even Arvid can take away this feeling inside 
of me.  As a matter of fact, even Arvid is a little 
caught up with the festivities in Puerto Rico.  

We see and hear a lot of the celebrations from our
 balcony, and it would take someone with a very dark
 heart to not like it.  Arvid is not there.  He does enjoy 
what we see and hear.  There is still hope for him.

The days have gotten a tad bit cooler, and I am 
really liking it.  I loved those cold days we had in Branson.  
Some days I miss it a lot and I miss all the people there.  
So many good memories.  Looking forward to next
summer when we hopefully can visit.

Covid is rampant all over the United States.  Here 
in Puerto Rico we feel a little "safer"  How true that is,
 I do not really know.  I just know that here in Puerto Rico
 we have a little more of a "normal" life compared to 
what we had in Florida during these Covid times.

Saturday.  The day is looking good.  Covid or no
 Covid we definitely have a good life.  Always grateful. 
 Always thankful.  Many are not so fortunate.

Today be thankful and think how rich you are.
Your family is priceless, your time is gold,
 and your health is wealth...
