Christmas is most truly Christmas when we celebrate
it by giving the light of love to those who need it most...
I love the Christmas-tide, and yet, I notice
this, each year I live; I always like the gifts
I get, But how I love the gifts I give.
It's not how much we give but
how much love we put into giving.
I even have my feral kitties in the Christmas mood.
I worry because we will sooner or later be leaving Puerto
Rico, probably sooner that I wanted, and I can't
help but worry what will become of them 😿
For now they get lots of food whenever I am out
and about. Arvid and I even go for some evening walks.
I leave food then as well. When I wake in the mornings
the food is all gone. The babies are eating well.
Christmas around the island. The tree is in Fajardo.
Hopefully we get to see it with the lights on one of these nights.
Fooling around with Arvid and the phone. He does
not let me get any pictures of him so I have to chance it
every once in a while. Always says he's busy.
Sniff has been very bla these last couple of weeks.
Sleeps more than usual and is a little on the low energy
side. Not sure what to do. He eats and he does
not seem sick, he's just lethargic too often.
To all a good day. The week is soon over.
Christmas countdown mode set. Looking forward
to seeing my sister and family for Christmas. It is
after all a time to spend with loved ones.
Christmas is the day that holds all time together...