Jun 4, 2020

June 4th Chaos Reigns ~

Every morning I jump out of bed and step on
 a landmine. The landmine is me. After the explosion, 
I spend the rest of the day putting the pieces together...

Life is constantly changing, here in the USA 
chaos reigns.   A very sad time indeed for everyone. 
As if not enough, a new study just came out on 
safety.  Florida once again did not do so great. 

Here in many parts Florida like so many parts of the
 USA we are living under an order of curfew.  Also here
 at home in Fort Lauderdale we are now having rain 
and more rain.  Seems like the rain will not stop ☔.

2020 has been one hell of a year and we are only 
just beginning June.  What will we see next? Broward
County will be lifting its; curfew, Miami not yet.

Here at home we continue to do our walks, seems we 
have been lucky that it rains before and after our walks.
  Just a little drizzle here and there while walking, 
but that is doable under these circumstances.

Black skies everywhere, high tide and lots of flooding
 is what we will be having for the rest of the week. Right
 now it is raining.  It has rained almost 24 straight☔.
  Today will not be any better.  Summer in Florida.

My favorite line from Arvid yesterday was, 
"I'm a sucker for you."  The man keeps me laughing.
The week is almost over.  Time is going by so very
fast before we know it Sunday is already here.

As this new day begins, I am sure things are about
to change again.  What was the so called guideline yesterday
 may not be the same today.  And this is everywhere in the
 world.  Good morning and have a happy day everyone.

A little flashback to North Carolina.  What a
 beautiful time we had.  And will soon have again.

The art of being happy is to 
be satisfied with what you have...
