Feb 29, 2020

Saturday ~

Be who you were created to be 
and you will set the world on fire...

Yesterday saw us in Fort Myers, looking at a car for
 a customer.  A bright red Corvette.  After a little back 
and forth with the buyer in Norway, a deal was made.

 Soon some lucky person in Norway will be the owner 
of a bright red Corvette.  Happy times ahead.

Arvid and I had a quiet day.  After a few chores, we had
 lunch at home, and watched some TV.  It was peaceful, 
and we did not do much running around aside from driving
 to Fort Myers.  Always pleasant times when we have a
 little road trip.  Especially when we are "on the job."

Lots of soccer in store for today.  Aside from that
 not sure what the day holds as yet, but because it's starting
out on the chilly side again, Arvid will be making us his
specialty.  Hot chocolate.  We are happy as can be.

What you do makes a difference, and you
 have to decide what kind of difference you 
want to make. Happy day to everyone.

If you are always trying to be normal, you
 will never know how amazing you can be...
