Dec 22, 2019

Sunday Vibes ~

Be happy.  Be bright.  Be you...

Embrace the day.  Life is not the way it is 
supposed to be.  It is the way it is.  The way you
 cope with it is what makes the difference.  

Good morning everyone.  We have woken up to a day 
without rain for a change.  Happy about that. We
 have had rain for the last 3 days.  Sure put a little damper

 on our plans.  Not complaining because at least it is warm.  Many have rain plus freezing temperatures.

Even though rain is predicted for today, at least 
right now the skies are bright.  Always something 
positive in each day.  Christmas is soon here.

Wishing everyone a happy Sunday.  Let's remember
 that though we may not control all the events that happen
 to us we can decide not to be reduced by them.

You alone are enough.  You have nothing to prove 
to anybody.  Live as though life was created for you...
