Nov 7, 2019

Hello Thursday ~

It doesn't have to make sense.  
It just has to make you happy...

Face Book has all these little "tests" or call it
 "games" that one can play.  Some analyze your personality 
or answer a question.  Every once in a while I give in
 and check it out as well.  The latest being the ones
 below.  Do I believe them?  Of course not.

Here at home the boats keep on passing.  
Still remnants of the boat show.  We are of course
 having the best time watching them go by.

No matter what Arvid is doing, he always takes time
 out to play with Sniff and to watch the boats go by.

A little rain here and there, but nothing we can't live with.  
It's soon that time of the year ~ yes Christmastime.  I 
already feel it in the music and in the air.  Happy.

Wishing everyone a great day, and hopefully you are also 
getting into the spirit of this magical season that is Christmas.

If you want something you've never had 
you've got to do something you've never done...
