Jun 1, 2019

Next Stop Chicago ~

Summertime is always the best of what might be.
Every summer has it's own story.  Whats's yours?...

Summer is here, and for us that means heading to 
Chicago for the next 4 months.  Chicago has been 
home to us for many years now, that is in the summer.
  Arvid, Brutus and I love that city. We still do.

Now it is home to Sniff, Arvid and I.  You know they 
say no matter how far we travel the memories will follow
 in the baggage car.  Yes memories follow me everywhere.  
The good and sometimes the not so good.  Called life.

We're all set and ready.  Brutus was a good traveller, and so 
far Sniff has also been an excellent one.  Let's hope toady is no 
exception. Let the summer begin.  Here's to good times.

Never go on trips with anyone you do not love...
