Jun 28, 2019

Happy Times..

Life moves so fast. You gotta document the good times man...

When we arrived in Branson the first thing we
 wanted to do was go to Drafts.  They have the best 
chicken wings I have ever had.  We invited Tiffany
 and Chris to have dinner with us on Wednesday night.  
We introduced  them to Drafts and it has also 
become one of their favorite places to eat.

We spent the day running around a little, taking
care of business.  We then went to Almost Home where
 both Arvid and I went in different directions.

 I had a lot of tenants still there who I wanted to
 meet and luckily I was able to meet with them all.
The lat one was Melvin, who I took over to the Mexican
 restaurant for a little drink and to catch up with.
  Arvid joined us and we spent an hour laughing
and just having the best of times.

I saw Bridgette and spent a long time with her
 and Miss Burton.  I even cut Bridgette's claws.  Just
 like old times.  I was so happy to see everyone.

 Everyone was happy also, but what made me
even happier was seeing that they are doing well.
 Almost Home looks good and Tiffany and Chris are
doing an amazing job at running it.  I am happy.

Sniff is doing good.  I get pictures everyday, but I
miss him a lot.  He just has a way with him.

Today is another day and I can't wait to see what it holds.
Happy Friday everyone.  It's a beautiful day here in Branson.

Good times are a reminder and a reward for dealing 
with the difficult and challenging times we all go through. 
The trick is to celebrate the good times in advance of the 
difficult times. Always remember, good times
 await you after the difficult times pass..
