May 19, 2019

Just Be Happy ~

When you love what you have you have everything...

There are so many beautiful reasons to be happy, and right now 
when I look at this smile on Reshma's face I am happy.

It's not about money.  It's not about bragging.  
It's just plain simple happiness that emanates from deep 
within you.  Reshma texted me and she said, "auntie
  Nad, I bought a pair of funky sunglasses."  Well
 here she is, and she's as happy as can be.

We sometimes forget that happiness is not dependent 
on what we have.  Who we know or how much we have.
Happiness comes from simple pleasures.  In this case
 a cup of tea and a pair of funky sunglasses.

Reshma I hope you're enjoying London and one thing

 never lose that glow of happiness nor that smile.  

It will take you further than all the money in the world. 
 Attitude is everything and with the right attitude 
nothing can stop you.  I love you Reshma.

You're prettiest when you're happy. Sometimes happiness
is a feeling.  Sometimes it's a decision.  What do you choose?

The best part of life?  Every morning you have a new
 opportunity to become a happier version of yourself...
