Feb 7, 2019

Beautiful Days ~

Life isn't simple.  But the beauty of it is,
you can always start over.  It'll get easier...

My day started out with a trip to the laboratory for more 
blood work.  I told the girl that if this continues pretty soon 
I will be needing to have a blood transfusion.  Been having too
 much blood taken from me lately, but it's all part of the "routine"
 check ups, follow us I require. A drag, but it has to be done.

Mid this month I should be done with most of the 
tests/examinations I need regarding my thyroid cancer 
follow up.  Will be very happy when that day comes.  No
 more doctors, no more bloodwork, no more probing 
for a while.  that is until May. Happy day are back.

We have been experiencing gorgeous weather this week 
and it will continue to be so hopefully for the rest of the "winter"  
These are the months that tourists flock into Florida.  Who
 can blame them?  Everyone needs a little break from 
these harsh winters.  Happy times for everyone.

My only pet peeve about these tourist that visit
 (and many are people we know), is that from the minute they
 land in Florida, the posts begin.  Nothing anymore is private.  
Their entire lives are an open book for anyone to track. 

A classmate of mine died a few days ago.  I look into 
Facebook for updates, and to relive a few good memories 
shared with so many.  As soon as I open my page, I am 

bombarded with nonsense.  I mean, who cares where you eat? 
 What you drank last night or where you went? But I guess many 
still do and it gives the person posting something to brag about.  

Our day has been relaxing and quiet for a change.  
Not much running around today.  Few things we both
 had to do early this morning, but now we are home and
 relaxing.  Since coming back from Branson Arvid has 
made it his goal to use the balcony as much as possible.

I'm happy because I just spent over an hour chatting 
with one f my former tenants from Almost Home.  She now
 lives in Colorado and she just called me.  I'm still smiling.

Hope your day has been great so far. Remember,
simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.

I believe that a simple and unassuming manner of life is 
best for everyone, best for both the body and the mine...
