Dec 31, 2018

Goodbye 2018 ~

This New Year may you rediscover yourself and 
emerge as a more confident and contented soul...

Last day of the year.  What do you plan to do for the rest of the year?

Danielle and Sniff have already hit it off really well.  Sniff
 sniffs her and realizes she is no threat to him, but even so, he's 
not too happy because his dada has not been spending as much 
time with him.  His dada is busy chatting up with Danielle.

We are having a very good day.  Danielle is easy
going and fun to be with.  Looking forward
 to the new year.  Thank you 2018.

 It's been a very good year.  We have met wonderful people
and have had experiences that will forever be with us. 2018
reinforced the bond I have with everyone at Almost Home.

For the friendships, for the memories,
2018 will always be one of the best years.

Let’s make a wonderful farewell tο the past year 2018 
and welcome the New Year 2019 with anticipation and hοpe, 
Wish yοu a Happy and Prosperous Νew Year
