When we resign from a job that we weren't happy in, or even
get fired, it's actually a blessing because a better experience
is waiting to happen. It's all about perspective...
Everyone's definition of what's normal is different. For us normal
is the 3 of us back together. Back in Florida. It's home, but for
me it seems as if I am starting a new chapter all over again.
After all we lived and experienced in Branson, it will take me
a little while to get back into the life of being "retired" For sure
I have to find ways to stay busy and to keep my mind occupied.
That's what I enjoyed in Branson. I was busy and my
mind did not have much time to "take off."
Sniff will definitely keep us entertained,
and here in Fort Lauderdale there is definitely
way more happening than in Branson.
No comparison that's for sure,
but for me Branson and the people
I know will forever and always
hold a special place in my heart.
A good day to all. Time to get back into our routines.
To "new" beginnings once again. Who knows what awaits
us next, and that is always what drives us.
I have always been delighted at the prospect of a new day,
a fresh try, one more start, with perhaps a bit of magic
waiting somewhere behind the morning...