Jun 19, 2018

Tuesday In Branson ~

Always find time for the things that make you happy to be alive...

Arvid and I were in St Louis, MO over the weekend to see
John Fogerty and ZZ To in concert.  We stayed at a pretty cool place,
 The Hollywood Casino.  We had good food, quite a few adult drinks,
 and enjoyed good music.  I really liked the hotel and surroundings, but the
 concert was in the Amphitheater and that was in the open. Not good.

Though we had covered seats, the temperature reached
101 degrees Fahrenheit.  This made for a very uncomfortable time.
 We really like John Fogerty, but it was just way too
 hot to really enjoy the music in its totality.

I would love to go back to The Hollywood Casino,
but I don't think we can handle another concert under those
circumstances.  Scratch Rob Stewart and Cyndi Lauper.

We had time to stop and enjoy a few places on the way to and from
St. Louis.  Drive a little on Route 66 and of course take some pictures.
Every place we stopped Arvid of course found old cars.  He just
 spots them no matter how tucked away they are.  He gets to enjoy them
and I get to enjoy some picture taking.  We're both happy.

Once again I have been awake very early.  Of course Sniff as
well, but the smart kitty knew he needed more sleep so
 he ate, got brushed and went back to his bed.

Wish I was that smart.  Lately I have not been able to sleep much.
 I try to go back to sleep but once I am awake that's it for me.
Bad thing is that I am awake as early at 3am.  Not good.

At the hotel all is quiet.  We are still full.  Not much happening,
but I like to be there.  Yesterday I had the entire day off, but Arvid
who also gets restless went in for a couple of hours after we
 got home.  As he says,"I just like to show my face."

To all a good day.  Already Tuesday.  The week will soon
be over and once again will have to think of what we can do in
 the weekend.One thing we know for sure, no matter where
 we go, coming home is always what we like  best.

The most simple things can bring the most happiness...
