Apr 9, 2018

Monday In Mexico ~

A simple life is a beautiful life.

Life here is simple.  Relaxing and runs at a slower pace.
For instance, the parking spaces are designated with a drawing of
 what should be there.  The pharmacy sells anything you want.

Both Arvid and I smile whenever we walk.  Life is stress free, at 
least if you are a tourist.  So much so that I am really ready to go
 back home.  Yes, home to Branson where we actually had 
snow on Saturday and temperatures are cold.

Today we head to Playa Del Carmen.  Being that there are even
more people than "normal" in Mexico right now, our guess is that Playa
 will be crammed.  Not something we like, but it is OK to go for the day.
Do a little shopping, have lunch and just check things out.

I am a simple person with a complicated mind...
