Apr 20, 2018

Interesting Times ~

I'm a big believer that life changes as much as you want it to.  We all
have big changes in our lives that are more or less a second chance...

When we lived in Florida, we stayed to ourselves mostly.  We
 were and still are not the types to do a lot of social outings.  
We prefer weekend getaways, an evening out listening to 
music, a good meal, but always mainly Arvid and I.

Here in Branson that has changed.  Honestly we socialize more 
here than we did in Florida.  We go out more in groups here also than 
we did in Florida and I said to Arvid, "I believe you need to invest in
 a blazer and some dress clothes."  The craziest thing is Arvid agreed. 

 Of course, owning the hotels have been a big part in this, 
plus Arvid has met people who are interested in trading as 
much as he is.  Makes for some very interesting times.

Last night we attended an auction for charity.  The main items
 were 2 cars.  Arvid of course had to bid on them, but like all good
 bidders he also had a limit.  Needless to say the cars were sold for more 
than our agreed limit.  No problem, today and tomorrow the real 
auction begins and I know he will do his best to acquire a few cars. 

Just last week we also attended a silent auction.  The items were not 
as grand as cars, and only one item interested us.  I saw it and I said
 to  Arvid, "please bid on this one and make sure we get it." It's home 
with us.  Life has taken a different path here in Branson for us.

Whatever our future holds, I know that Branson has played (and continues to)
 a very important part in our lives.  We may or may not have liked it all,
 but we sure experienced and still continue to do life changes that 
will always be a part of us.  It has definitely it filled a void.

We are definitely living in interesting times.

Going by my past journey, I am not certain where life will 
take me, what turns and twists will happen; nobody knows where
 they will end up. As life changes direction, I'll flow with it...
