Apr 26, 2018

Early In The Morning ~

I woke up early, there was no worm.
Early morning cheerfulness can be extremely obnoxious...

They say the early bird catches the worm.  Sniff and I are
very early today.  Was having a difficult times sleeping, so why not get up?
  Brush Sniff and enjoy my cafe.  Very quiet and peaceful.  Who knows
 maybe I may eventually go back to bed and sleep as soundly as Arvid.

I also enjoyed cafe with my Brutus and Shadow.  They are
always with me.  Sniff's morning routine has been interrupted and
 now he's starting to get antsy.  Think I should soon head back
 to bed and try to get a few hours sleep before I actually
have to wake up again and go to work.

I really enjoy "going to work"  The last few days I have been
coming home and making lunch.  Then I do not go back to the hotel
  Strange thing is that  I feel restless.  I am kinda "lost" even though
 there are quite a few things I do while at home "relaxing"

Leave yo all with an interesting fact I picked up while we were
watching a Netflix show in Mexico.  Even I was a non believer,
so of course I went to Google for my facts and here it is:

At roughly 1,150 miles, the total shoreline of the 
Lake of the Ozarks in Missouri is longer than  the coastline of CaliforniaLake of the Ozarks covers 
overs 61,000 acres and contains 617 billion 
gallons of fresh water, what the city 
of St. Louis typically uses over a decade.

This world is but a canvas to our imagination...
