You should never regret anything in life. If it's good it's wonderful.
If it's bad, it's experience. Make the best of what you have...
No one comes to Florida without having a glimpse of the iguanas.
For us it is always interesting to look at them (from a distance) and definitely
try to capture a picture or two. On our many walks to the beach we would
encounter them by the bridge. Always a good time to stop and get a picture.
Yes, I will definitely miss walks on the beach. Both Arvid and I
will miss the balcony and the water, but I know one day we
will be back and then we will be home again. The 3 of us.
Time is winding down for us for now. As always when it comes
time to leave one gets nostalgic. That will always be the case, but
on the other side our Sniff is waiting and that's where I want to be.
I miss everyone at Almost Home and I mmis Almost Home.
Yesterday we had a great time with Victoria and Michael. We had
lunch at our place. It was relaxing and very, very good. We chatted, we laughed,
we enjoyed some of the boats passing by. It was just a perfect time.
Suddenly our time here is soon over, and it seems that we
have not had enough time with our families, but what
we did have with them has been all very, very good.

lunch at our place. It was relaxing and very, very good. We chatted, we laughed,
we enjoyed some of the boats passing by. It was just a perfect time.
Suddenly our time here is soon over, and it seems that we
have not had enough time with our families, but what
we did have with them has been all very, very good.
Today we plan to have lunch at another of our favorite places with
Victoria and Michael. Hopefully Arvid and I can have a last drive or
walk along the beach. That will be the perfect end for this trip.
Just before going to bed last night our nephew JC texted me.
All he said was "auntie Nad, I got the job. Tell uncle Arvid as well,"
Congratulations J for landing the job you wanted as a financial analyst
at Carnival Cruise Lines in Miami. Just goes to show that hard work pays off.
Already this day is looking better and better. Does help
that it brings us closer to getting home as well. Last night thoughts
of Brutus hit me like a rock. Suddenly I went into panic. I felt as
if by leaving we were leaving him here all alone. It hits you suddenly.
No warnings. That's how grief works. You think you have it under
"control" then BOOM! We miss our Brutus so very much, but I now
am missing little Sniff also very much. Can't wait to see him.
Just before going to bed last night our nephew JC texted me.
All he said was "auntie Nad, I got the job. Tell uncle Arvid as well,"
Congratulations J for landing the job you wanted as a financial analyst
at Carnival Cruise Lines in Miami. Just goes to show that hard work pays off.
Already this day is looking better and better. Does help
that it brings us closer to getting home as well. Last night thoughts
of Brutus hit me like a rock. Suddenly I went into panic. I felt as
if by leaving we were leaving him here all alone. It hits you suddenly.
No warnings. That's how grief works. You think you have it under
"control" then BOOM! We miss our Brutus so very much, but I now
am missing little Sniff also very much. Can't wait to see him.
Life is the art of drawing without an eraser.
Do not judge my story by the chapter you walked in...