Quitters never win, winners never quit...
Good morning everyone. Hope this is the start of a wonderful and productive
week for all. Mondays for many is not the best of days, but think of all the good
you can do and of all the smiles you can bring into someone else's life.

Just that should make this and everyday a good day. As usual, I am awake early.
Ready to see the sunrise and to give some extra attention to Sniff. Used to
be for and with Brutus, then for Shadow. How I miss my Brutus.

Soon Arvid will be awake and the morning will no longer be quiet.
Ready to see the sunrise and to give some extra attention to Sniff. Used to
be for and with Brutus, then for Shadow. How I miss my Brutus.

Soon Arvid will be awake and the morning will no longer be quiet.
Enjoying my coffee as I write and also watching the sunrise.
For me it's the start of a beautiful day and also week.
My heart may be broken, but I am still able to appreciate the beauty
surrounding me. I am also always grateful for what I have and who I have
in my life. There may be times that I am very angry at life, but I am always
grateful to wake up to a new day and to see another sunrise.
Our weekend was a good one. I sampled quite a variety of delicious frozen drinks, and
I am amazed at what I have been missing out on. Maybe I will indulge myself more often.
Enjoy the good times in life because the
My heart may be broken, but I am still able to appreciate the beauty
surrounding me. I am also always grateful for what I have and who I have
in my life. There may be times that I am very angry at life, but I am always
grateful to wake up to a new day and to see another sunrise.
Our weekend was a good one. I sampled quite a variety of delicious frozen drinks, and
I am amazed at what I have been missing out on. Maybe I will indulge myself more often.
Hope it will be the same for all of you.
Good morning friends. Time to rise and shine.
Always try to tap into the positive universal energy that exists in life.
Enjoy the good times in life because the
Roof can cave in at any time...