Good food is wise medicine...
A new year inspires us to change something – or things – about ourselves, our lives,
our futures, to make them better. Similar to some religious practices, New Year's
A very popular New Year Resolution has always been to eat better and to lose weight.
With that in mind here is an article on what foods will help.
The best way to reset your eating habits after the holidays is to stock your fridge
with fresh, nutrient-rich foods that give you energy and improve your mood.
Here’s Joy’s list of the top five: The year is already 20+ days but...
These beans are filled with high-quality vegetarian protein and fiber, which boost energy and mood. They’re inexpensive and they cook up in 30 minutes or less. Joy suggests making large pots of lentil soup or lentil chili so you can freeze the leftovers.

Toss some Brussels sprouts on a baking sheet, add olive oil and salt, and then bake until they're crispy. We have no doubt they will become your favorite veggie. Added bonus: They're only 55 calories per cup and they help fight cancer and boost memory.
One egg white has only 17 calories and is 100% pure protein, which helps to slightly rev up our metabolism. Make an omelet or a frittata— use two to three egg whites for each whole egg. Hard boil an egg, pop out the yolk and replace it with a scoop of hummus for a power snack.

Hot peppers can suppress your appetite and rev up your metabolism. If you like
spicy food, add them liberally to your scrambled eggs, stews, ore even tuna or chicken salad.
Everything I eat has been proved by some doctor or other to be a deadly poison, and
everything I don't eat has been proved to be indispensable for life. But I go marching on....
everything I don't eat has been proved to be indispensable for life. But I go marching on....