Family. We may not have it all together,
but together we have it all...
The kids are growing up way too fast. Gabby is already driving and he is only 16
years old. Now he wants to drive me around. Boy how times have changed.
Happy, but also sad that time is going by so fast. Not so long ago,
(or so it seems to me), I was carrying him around in my arms.
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Boy how little they were back then. What a difference a few years make.
I'm so happy to be a part of all my nieces and nephews lives.
Nothing makes me happier than being able to see them grow into young adults and
soon to be men and women of whom I am proud of. I am really fortunate to be their aunt
and to be loved by them. Just the same way I feel fortunate that Aleah loves me and for sure me her.
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I will say as my sister Rima does. I am blessed. Yes blessed is a favorite word of hers.
I have two step-daughters with whom I share a very good time with and whom I love.
We have a granddaughter who for some reason loves me and whom I adore.
I have 5 nephews, and 4 nieces who mean the world to me. For all of them
I would do anything. You mess with them and we have a problem.
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Family ties are in my book one of the strongest bonds there is.
I grew up with strong ties, a close knitted family and though we did
not have much money, love was everywhere. Today we are all best of friends also.
Though life had led us all through different paths and not always easy; I would
never change anything. Every difficulty we have to overcome only brings us closer as
a family. Only strengthens our love for each other and makes us appreciate each other more.
Having a place to go is home.
Having someone to love is family. Having both is a blessing...