Mar 5, 2014

Halfway There...

Hey, guys today is Wednesday!! Hump day! 
We get through today and tomorrow and next thing 
you know it's the WEEKEND! YEAH!...

Already halfway through the work week!  Yeah!  Soon it's the weekend.
Well almost soon.  Still lots to do and customers to take care of so
for now busy, but we would not have it any other way.

Fast update on Brutus.  He is still not doing great, but if you saw him all you 
would see is a little kitty that looks happy all the time.  The paw looks horrible.  It's 
been a few days now since he has had no medicines.  Still waiting for his to come from 
New Jersey, via FedEx.  My mom thought this was funny, his medicine coming FedEx.

Time to get going.  We have some busy days ahead of us.  Hopefully it also means
we will be picking up on some additional business.  The week is looking good here.

Have a great day all.  Remember tomorrow is THIRSTY THURSDAY!

Happy Hump Day would be so much more entertaining if people
 greeted each other with a hip thrust instead of a hello...
