Nov 8, 2013


Friday brings the smell of weekend,
Relaxation from daily works,
So be happy and keep smiling...

Hello everyone.  Are you all ready for the weekend?  Brutus and I 
were awake early to see the sunrise.  Arvid was still sound asleep.  Peaceful and quiet.

After a few windy days it is now back to being calm here.  For sure Brutus is
much happier.  He is afraid of just about all noises and the sound 
of the wind howling is just one of the many sounds he is afraid of.

As of right now, the weekend is still open for suggestions.
Today I promised Arvid to take him out to lunch at a favorite place of his.

He's in the mood for German food, mainly wiener schnitzel.  Can't say
it's a favorite of mine, but there is always chicken.  I seem to eat chicken
no matter where we go with the exception of Kaluz, where we will
be going this weekend with some friends.   The last time we were there
I discovered some very delicious chicken they serve as an appetizer.  
It's called chicken drum lollipop.  I believe this is now going to become my
 favorite. Not to mention the mojito.  Am already thinking of it.

Right now first thinks first.  For starters, my cafe and some bonding/playtime 
with Brutus.  Then it's his medicine.  Also early this morning as in 8am I had
a dental appointment.  Dentists are not my favorite people.  Nothing to do with 
the person it's just the idea of drilling in my mouth.  Today thankfully it
was not painful.  Now to make breakfast and take care of some business.

Oh yes!  It's starting to look like weekend here already. Somewhere in the
weekend there is always a soccer match for Arvid. Maybe, I can then take a little
 trip to the mall and see if I can manage to snag me a little something sparkly.

Wishing everyone a good day.
Remember spend a little more time trying to make something
 of yourself and a little less time trying to impress people.

You may not always end up where you thought you were going,
but you will always end up where you were meant to be...
