Jul 30, 2013

Beautiful Hair Care...

My hair dresses me nicely.
My hair is my jewellery.
My hair belongs to me...

Want beautiful hair?  Well according to this chart these

are essential nutrients you will be needing to have that healthy,
shiny and think head of hair.

Good day, bad day.  Your hair is the one thing you can't hide.

When I was a little girl my hair was the curliest hair at home.
It was always a mass of curls and tangles (same today) and I hated it.
Today I have learnt to do more with it and to keep it a little under control. By using the
 right products and eating the right stuff, I have been told that I am very lucky to have beautiful hair.

 Don't know what it is about my hair, but it always seems to attract a lot of attention.
 Through the years, I have also come to really enjoy the attention and a mass
of untidy curls!  I like it as well, very much!

Have a nice day and take some time to do something just for you.

Everyone isn't going to like your hair.
That's their problem, not yours...
