Mar 14, 2013

On The Go Again....

A vacation is having nothing to do and all day to do it in...
The thing I love most about going on vacation is that I get to leave behind any kind of schedule. My entire life is scheduled from morning to night, and when I'm on vacation, there is no schedule..

Arvid and I have been looking forward for quite some time to a little vacation time.  Just some place where we can relax and have some time all by ourselves.  These last few months have been very hectic.  Combined with surgery and a stay in the hospital, we have also been very busy with friends and family.  

The visits have been very good.  We have met some friends we have not seen for quite some time, made some new ones and strengthen the bonds of the ones we have.  We have also spent good times with family. Overall very good, but now it will be good to also have some time for ourselves.

It's been a little over two months since we have really done much.  The last long evening we had was when my parents were over at our place until the wee hours.  It was very nice and it seems like such a long time ago.  Now when we have company a two hour visit is enough because then Arvid needs to elevate his leg.  No late evenings lately and no music.  I'm OK with all of this as long as Arvid is getting better.

Our road trip begins with a few days in Savannah, Georgia.  Have never been to Savannah so I do hope we like it.  I hope Arvid is going to do OK with the long drive.  We just have to stop more often and he has to walk around.  At least every hour.

After that our much awaited trip to Mexico.  Both of us are very much looking forward to this, and we really hope to like it so we can continue to go there every year, once maybe twice.  Yep, have our Mexican Pesos all ready:)  My Spanish is fluent and Mexico awaits us....

Margaritas here we come...
Laughter is an instant vacation.