Dec 24, 2012

Party On....

Lets party hard so we forget yesterday and so we don't remember the next couple hours...

As the Indian culture goes, at least from what I have always experienced, the little kids are always part of it.  Unlike other cultures, they are seen, heard and they are always part of the festivities.  No leaving the kids home.  This goes for kids of all ages.

Last night at my cousins reception the youngest participant on the dance floor was a little girl aged 11 months.  There were children from all ages that never stopped dancing.  They carry this in their blood and from the time they are babies they can dance like no one I have ever seen and let's not forget the clothing.  There was every color sari you colour think of.  Just beautiful!

If you think Shakira can move those hips, you have not seen anything.  No one can move those hips better than an Indian girl. 
Unfortunately, we were not raised in this culture.  We are Indians.  I was born a Hindu, but unfortunately I am not that familiar with my own culture.  Something I hope to remedy as time goes by.  This party was not something I have experienced before.  It was lively, loud, music blasting and everything that parties should be.  
The crowd was over 300+ people and everyone was dancing from the 11 month old to the oldest person there.  I love to dance, but Arvid is more conservative....

All I can say is if it's a good time you're looking for...well look no further for they sure know know to party.  And so the five day event continues...

Happy Holidays everyone..

To a joyful present and a well remembered past. Best wishes for Happy holidays and an exciting New Year..
