Mar 31, 2025

Monday March 31st~

 Real generosity towards the future
 lies in giving all to the present...

I saw this on the news the other day.  Just 
a reminder that we are not alone on this planet.
  If we don't protect our wildlife, who will?

Yesterday Arvid and I tried out a new restaurant
 not too far from us.  We both agreed that it is already
 a favorite.  Not fancy, but right on the water and 
with a breeze that is always so welcoming.

We saw people on jet skis, a family of ducks, a
 few sunbathing in that tiny little man made beach 
with very white sand.  We saw people enjoying life.
 We liked it and will be going back there fairly often.

Wishing everyone a productive and happy week ahead.  
Life will lead you on unplanned journeys.  Enjoy the ride, 
and trust that your final destination will be a great one.

Happiness is not made by what 
we own.  It is what we share...


Mar 30, 2025

Sunday March 30th~

Always remember, you are braver than
 you believe, stronger than you think, 
and loved more than you know...

 Today our second granddaughter, Vanessa turns 10.
She is a little firecracker and to know her is to love her. 
She's always on the go and never ceases to entertain us.

As mentioned in a previous post, this year we will not be
 going to Norway for the summer.  Instead we have treated,
 Michelle, Emil and our granddaughters a vacation here in
 Fort Myers, Florida.  Looking forward so much to this.

Arvid and I are still "suffering" from the flu.  I coughed 
most of the night, but I am very lucky that it has not so far 
developed into asthma or pneumonia.  Sniff is constantly by
 our sides.  Very aware that we are not doing quite as well.

The day has started out a bit gloomy, but even
 so the sun is on it's way out.  Can only get better.  
To all a happy Sunday.  Gloom and darkness are
 temporary. Joy comes in the morning.

Life can never promise you to be always happy, but life 
gets better after you accept things you just can't change...


Mar 29, 2025

Saturday March 29th~

Rough day, but I'm still here to caption the chaos...

 Arvid and I are not feeling that great.  Arvid 
got the flu when we got back from Branson and I 
got it from him a few days later. I think of all the 
things have been through the flu is the worst.  

Most of this past week we have been home just
 trying to get better.  I did go to my uncle's wake/viewing 
and that took a lot out of me, but I would do it again.  

That being said yesterday we had a very nice 
outing in Naples with Victoria and Michael. 
 Always a good time with these two.

It's a beautiful day here.  I was up early but tired. 
 I saw the sunrise and I have already done a few chores
 that needed taken care of.  That is all I probably do 
today.  The rest of the day will just be a lazy day.

A good day and hope you are feeling 
better than we are right now.  Tomorrow is 
another day and hoping for a better one.

Today, just focus on being 
a little better than yesterday...


Mar 28, 2025

Friday March 28th~

The life of the dead is placed in the memory of the living...

Yesterday was a very sad day.  It was the wake/viewing 
for my uncle Paul who died on Saturday March 22nd. 
Families scrambled and came from all over the world.  
Our thoughts are with you during this difficult time.

My uncle left legacy that I doubt anyone can match.  As 
I said to Arvid, "if we lived 10 lifetimes, I do not think we 
would ever do half as much as my uncle did for his grandkids." 
  His grandkids were his life and he was a huge part in all of it.  
Uncle Paul even played a part in Gabsy upbringing 💜

To uncle Paul's family: although it's difficult 
today to see beyond the sorrow, may looking
 back in memory help comfort you tomorrow.
  His legacy of kindness will always endure.

Why does it take a minute to say
 hello and forever to say goodbye...


Mar 27, 2025

What Are You Grateful For~ Thursday March 27th

Sometimes the most important life lessons 
are the ones we end up learning the hard way...

I came across this the other day just as I was going
 through some not so happy times.  I read it, but did 
not really pay much attention to it.  I also saved it.

A few days ago, a wonderful man I called uncle died.  
I realized that what was bothering me was nothing 
compared to what happening to his loved ones.

Going through my stuff I once again came across
this thought.  Today I read it; I reflected on it and I realized
 how fortunate I am and whatever it is that was causing
 me to have a few not so good moments (now forgotten)
 is really nothing when put into the big picture.

I always know that I have a good life.  I try to never
take anything for granted because I know how it feels
 to be on the other side.  I know that there are others
 who are having much harder times.  I am grateful
and I appreciate the little things in life....

Remember never forget to be thankful for what
you have. It is NOT always better on the other side.

Life is one long, continuous race. It is only
when you reach the finish line do  you realize
you were your only competition.

Mistakes made in life are our lessons in disguise. 
And sometimes, the best lessons learned,
 came from the worst mistakes made...


Mar 26, 2025

Wednesday March 26th~

 My mission in life is not merely to survive, but 
to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some 
compassion, some humor, and some style...

Some days, nothing seems to go right, no matter 
how hard you try. We all have days like these, and 
that's okay.  Life is not perfect and we are all allowed 
to wallow in nostalgia a bit, but not stay there.

I saw this the other day and it made me laugh 
because it is so true.  A good sense of humor is very
 helpful in life.  If we can't laugh at ourselves or with
 ourselves, life becomes so much harder on us.

Another early start of the day.  At least today I did 
not get out of bed until 4am.  Lucky me.  Sniff of 
course is with me.  Asleep on his heating bed.

To all a very good day.  It's already looking good here at home.

The day is what you make it. 
 So why not make it a great one?


Mar 25, 2025

Tuesday March 25th~

 I can't give you a recipe for success, but I can give 
you a recipe for failure: try to please everybody...

A little more about our time in Branson.  This time 
we made it to Andy's frozen custard.  For me a trip to 
Branson is not complete unless we have some of 
Andy's frozen custard.  It is the absolute best.

The last days were so cold, Arvid made us hot chocolate. 
 Also I took some peanuts for the squirrels.  Lucky me 
they showed up and enjoyed them right on the deck.  Both 
Arvid and I said how Sniff would love this.  No matter
 how cold it was, the sunsets were always amazing.

Here at home in Fort Myers the day has begun on the 
cloudy side.  Rain is predicted, but so far there is none.  
We really need some.  Good morning and a good 
day to all.  Below is Sniff in his happy place.

The excursion is the same when you go looking for
 your sorrow as when you go looking for your joy...


Mar 24, 2025

Monday March 24th~

 Never believe in a one sided story. 
 It always has some missing pages...

Monday again.  I have been awake since 2am.
 Sniff is also awake with me.  He scarfed down some dry
 food and then puked it all up.  Great start of the day.

Hopefully today will be a quiet day.  I know that I
 will be exhausted by mid afternoon, but nothing new
 there 😂  I used to be able to sleep so well, but it's been 
some years now that sleep keeps eluding me. Today it was
 mainly because my knee was hurting way too much.

Yesterday Arvid and I went to Fort Myers Beach for lunch 
to my favorite restaurant there.  We waited close to an hour to
 get a table.  It was packed.  All the restaurants were packed.

The wait was long, but the food and drinks made up for it.

Wishing everyone a great week ahead.  May your 
coffee be strong and your Mondays be short.

If you don't like the road you're
 walking, start paving another one...


Mar 23, 2025

Sunday March 23rd~

 Only the pursuit of happiness 
is guaranteed. The rest is up to you....

Yesterday we said we would just relax and take it easy.  
After all we did have a pretty busy week in Branson. 
 The first couple of days there was lots of running around 
and places to see.  Guessing we got restless fairly fast.  
If course we went downtown.  First to some festival
 on the park and later on our favorite pit stop.

It was a sunny and fairly warm day.  At least warmer 
than Branson.  Although I have to say that 2025 has 
been pretty cold so far.  At least according to Arvid
 and I.  As always, Hideaway never disappoints.

Yesterday as we got ready to Facetime with Aleah 
in Norway, Sniff 😭was as always not a happy camper.
  Not sure why, but I think he's jealous.  Whenever it's time 
to chat with the girls he knows and he gets really antsy.

  Today our eldest nephew Max turns 32. Those 32 years
years did go by fast.  Too fast Sunday. Looking forward to 
another relaxing one.  Wishing the same to everyone.

You just have to take a deep breath,
relax and let the game come to you...


Mar 22, 2025

Saturday March 22nd~

I love my cat more than I love most 
people. Probably more than is healthy...

 It does not matter where we go, as far as I am 
concerned if Sniff is not with us it's not home.  But 
now we are home again.  It's strange, but Sniff 
completes our life.  Sure completes mine.

I may be biased, but as far as I am 
concerned, Sniff is the cutest of them all.  

Today our eldest granddaughter Aleah turns 12 years old.  Boy 
where did those years go by?  This year Arvid and I will not 
be going to Norway.  Instead we're treating Michelle, Emil
 and the three girls to a vacation in Fort Myers.  Can't wait.

Arvid and I got back to Florida/home late last night from
 Branson.  We really had a good time, but as always the weather
 was "acting up"  We arrived to temps in the  80's F almost 27C for
 the first couple of days, after that, it just got colder and colder.

That being said, we had a really good time.  We met 
with good friends and had a really good evening 
out together.  We all enjoyed it, and look forward 
to doing it again next time we're in Branson.

The first two days we had to have the air conditioner going.  
After that we had to keep the heat on.  Branson, unpredictable
 in its weather, but we keep going back.  So yeah we like it.

We visited a few of our favorite places.  Starting out of 
course with The Landing.  No trip to Branson is complete 
without a visit to Landshark Margaritaville at The Landing.

Always a good time in Branson, but nothing beats
 coming home.  Home is wherever Arvid, Sniff and I are.

To all a very good day and to our granddaughter, know we 
love you very much, and look forward to seeing you all in July.  
Happy 12th birthday Aleah.  You're growing up too fast.

Granddaughters are angels sent from above 
to fill our hearts with endless love...


Mar 21, 2025

Friday March 21st~

 Happiness can be found even in the darkest of 
times if one remembers to turn on the light...

They say that life takes you to unexpected places
 and that love brings you home.  Sure have to agree
 with that.  No matter where we go, home is always 
where we want to go back to.  For me home is 
anywhere Sniff, Arvid and I are together.

As always we have had a good time in Branson.  This place 
is also home and will be more so so when Sniff is with us. 
 We came to fix it up and make it Sniff ready.  Now it is. 
 Looking forward to seeing our Sniff here soon.

Nothing in the world is as contagious 
as laughter and good humour...


Mar 20, 2025

Something To Think About~

I'm human. I have weaknesses, I make mistakes, 
and I experience sadness; but I learn from all
 these things and they make me a better person....

Long time ago a dear friend shared with
 me many of these little lessons in life.  Now
 I would like to share them with you.

Striving to become a better person is a goal we 
should all set for ourselves.  It does not happen 
overnight, and the best way to achieve it is 
by living it, by practicing what we preach.

 I will be the first to admit that this is a goal I am
always working on.  It is not something that is 100% achieved.
  It is a work always in progress because everyday we learn
something new.  Everyday we realize that we have room for
 improvement and everyday we set out to become
 a better person than we were yesterday.

In life you will get hurt, disappointed and heartbroken.
 You have two choices. Let it destroy you and make
 you, or let it go and become a better person 
that learns from the lesson it brings...


Mar 19, 2025

March 19th~ Day Off

  Almost everything will work again if you 
unplug it for a few minutes…Including you...   

Taking the day off.  Will be back tomorrow 😂It is very
 important to recharge our batteries to uplift our spirits and
 refresh our perspectives towards life. It is often said that the
 best way to recharge yourself is to unplug yourself from the 
daily duties for sometime.  It's what I plan to do today.

Some days you just need to slow down and pay 
attention to what's going on around you.  Today 
it's just me, my day off, and a good book.

To all a very good day.  Hope you find peace 
within yourself. Give yourself permission to unplug and 
regroup, without feeling guilty ❤ . You can’t be there 
for others if you don’t take care of yourself first.

It's not always the load that breaks you 
down, it's the way you carry it...