Say hello to Monday and a brand new
week filled with endless possibilities...
week filled with endless possibilities...
another productive week ahead. As I always say,
Arvid and I do know how to stay busy.
To start the day, there's a few things needing to
be done right here at home; that is after Arvid wakes
up, has his water, then breakfast and then a couple
of hours to actually fully wake up as he says.
Yesterday was another very gorgeous day. Good
for walks and to be outdoors while dining.
As for us we had an enjoyable outing good food
and great weather. Our Sunday was very good. Still
missing not having mom and dad here with us.
Arvid spent a lot of yesterday watching TV. Nothing
unusual, then he spend another big part of the day finding
"things" to take to Branson. That's all he talks about. He has
to fix this or fix that. He says he can't wait for us to go again.
I'm looking forward to fixing up the apartment making it
ready for Sniff so that we can take him next time we go.
To all a very good week. A little busy this morning,
but I'm a morning person so for me that perfect. I'm usually
back home before Arvid is fully awake. In the meantime
Sniff and I are enjoying a few quiet moments together.
Within you, there is a stillness and a sanctuary to
which you can retreat at any time and be yourself...