Feb 19, 2025

Wednesday February 19th~

Good morning! May a positive 
and caring word be in your day...

Yesterday I saw my endocrinologist.  This is the first 
time ever since diagnosed with thyroid cancer a doctor 
has told me that, "everything appears to be within 
normal limits."  That for me is progress.

She asked if there was anything "new" happening. 
 If course I mentioned my torn meniscus and all the pain
 that I have.  I did tell her I try to do walks with Arvid
 in the afternoons, but that afterwards it really hurts.  

She says, "go swimming.  It does not cause pain,
 but just remember it's not good for your bones because 
your bones are brittle and can break easily."  

Well I had to laugh at that.  Yeah did I forget to 
mention I also have bone loss ever since I had to have
 an emergency hysterectomy.  Yeah, I almost died during
 that hysterectomy, but as you can see, I'm still here.

I have had guardian angels watching over me. 
 Someone told me that many years ago.  In the big picture, 
I am very grateful for all the goodness in my life.

So far it has been a good week.  A bit cooler, but I love 
it as long as it does not get too cold.  We still need rain 
badly.  Here in Fort Myers we have not had much rain.

Rima catered the wedding cake in New Orleans for
 one of her best friends.  The cake made it all the way from 
Virginia to NOLA.  As she told us, "Oh what a night."

A good day to all.  Sniff continues to hog my television in the 
bedroom.  I now find myself watching cat videos as well.

I am resilient.  I am grateful for 
everything I have in my life...
