Feb 28, 2025

February 28th~

  Almost everything will work again if you 
unplug it for a few minutes…Including you...   

Out of the "office."  Will be back tomorrow 😂It is very
 important to recharge our batteries to uplift our spirits and
 refresh our perspectives towards life. It is often said that the
 best way to recharge yourself is to unplug yourself from the 
daily duties for sometime.  It's what I plan to do today. 

Today we have a day in Fort Lauderdale.
  We have been here since yesterday and plan to be 
back home tomorrow.  Arvid has one of his trade
 meetings.  Started yesterday and done today.

After the meeting today we plan on listening to some
music 🎵with Victoria, Michael and Svein a very good 
friend also from Norway.  A few drinks, a little nibble, good
 company all good ingredients for a great time.Life has been and
still is good to us.  We have enjoyed all the places we have lived.

To all a good day and "see" you tomorrow. 
Taking a break helps you understand yourself
 better and recharges your drained battery.

Give yourself permission to unplug and regroup, 
without feeling guilty ❤ . You can’t be there for
others if you don’t take care of yourself first...


Feb 27, 2025

Thursday February 27th~

I like my coffee black and my mornings bright...

 I've got nothing to say but it's
 okay, good morning, good morning.

We have a few busy days ahead of us.  Love it. 
 I know Sniff will miss his TV time, but on the other
 hand he will catch up on much needed sleep.

Sniff does not make it easy on himself.  Recently he
 does not want to do anything other that watch TV.  I don't
 turn it on all the time because I want him to run around,
 he never does. Like all cats he's extremely stubborn.

Our day has begun beautifully and it is only
 going to get better.  Yes, spending time with family is 
always a happy time.  To all a good day and a happy
 weekend ahead.  Our weekend begins today.

I’ve found that the first thirty minutes of 
my day have the biggest impact on how I
 feel for the rest of my waking hours...


Feb 26, 2025

Wednesday February 26th~

Today is your opportunity to
 build the tomorrow you want...

 Sniff continues to sit on the bed and just stare at a blank 
television screen.  Of course I turn it on for him.  Can't let 
the poor lil' dude suffer.  He watches TV until his eyes can't 
stay open anymore.  Takes a nap, but if he knows I came into 
the room he's all "alert" again and continues watching.  Until 
of course he falls asleep.  I love watching him watch TV.

Yesterday I had a few things to do on my own.  I left Arvid for
 two hours.  When I came home he was nowhere in sight.  Afterwards
 he tells me he was bored so he took a trip to the house.  I was happy
 I didn't have to go.  There is nothing to do there.  The only attraction
 was going to see mom and dad, otherwise it's not for me. 

Florida man continues to entertain me and so many 
others.These Floridians, people in general have such a crazy
sense of humor.  I love it. Some call it a sick sense of humor

To all a very good day, let's not forget that 
morning comes whether you set the alarm or not.

I remind myself every morning: Nothing I 
say this day will teach me anything. So, if 
I’m going to learn, I must do it by listening...


Feb 25, 2025

Tuesday February 25th~

Eagles remind us that in life, it's essential 
to rise above the challenges, maintain our 
focus, and never lose sight of our goals...

 My days are always happier when I can "see" our 
power couple.  That is M15 and F23.  They are doing better.
  Mating quite often and every so often cleaning up their nest. 
 We all want to believe that they may have a second clutch.
  As in a second set of babies.  We can only hope.

Yesterday we finally got some rain.  So needed. 
 Here in Fort Myers and the all of Southwest Florida 
we are happy.  With the rains came some heavy
 winds.  Not everyone was happy about that.  

Today as the new day begins, it's bright skies and
 sunshine already.  A little rain in the prognosis, but most 
likely where we are we won't see much.  Hope we do.

To all a very good day.  I still think we can use more rain,
 but I'm sure many think they have had enough already.

Your future is created by 
what you do today, not tomorrow...


Feb 24, 2025

Monday February 24th ~

 Rise up, start fresh, see the 
bright opportunity in each day...

Any day that begins like this is definitely 
going to be a good one.  Perfect start of the new 
week which promises to be a very good one.

It has been said that every sunrise is a new beginning, 
a fresh start, an opportunity to make your life better.

Sniff has been acting up.  He's not eating his 
soft foodies, and of course I'm very stressed.  He 
has so many moods.  They all stress me out.

Yesterday was a perfect Florida winter day,
 and we sure made the most of it in Cape Coral.

Arvid and I had our Sunday outing.  As always it was 
very relaxing and enjoyable.  This is going to be a pretty 
busy week for us, of course we like it that way.  To all a good
 week ahead.  Love what you do.  Do what you love.

Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, 
and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what 
you believe is great work. And the only way to 
do great work is to love what you do...


Feb 23, 2025

Sunday February 23rd~

Don’t wait around for other people to
 be happy for you. Any happiness you 
get you’ve got to make yourself... 

Goes without saying that the day is filled with many
 soccer games.  I have no idea how it is that Arvid is 
not exhausted by the end of the day.  If I watched this
 much TV I would hardly be able to keep my eyes open. 
 We're all different. That isn't to say that Arvid does 
not take short naps during the games.  He does 😂

Sniff is not acting like is usual self.  He's not 
eating and he is puking.  Of course I am worried.  
These last few days he even gets out of bed late.  Even
 later than Arvid😕.  Not his "normal" behaviour.

I woke up later than usual today.  Happy about that.  
Instead of getting out of bed at 4am I stayed put until 7 am.  
Feels so very good to have had some sleep.  Now ready 
for the day and whatever it brings.  Sundays are 
usually pretty "slow"  relaxing days.

Wishing everyone a relaxing Sunday.

All our dreams can come true, if 
we have the courage to pursue them...


Feb 22, 2025

Saturday February 22nd~

 It never failed to amaze me how the most 
ordinary day could be catapulted into the 
extraordinary in the blink of an eye...

Sniff does not want to leave the bedroom.  All he wants
 is to watch TV.  I don't even get to watch what I want.  Even 
when the TV is off he just sits on the bed and stares at it.

He does not even want to get brushed anymore. Hardly
 ever uses his heating bed. Just addicted to his tv shows.
 When I want to hold him I have to grab fast him before 
he knows what's going on.  Sniff is not one who likes 
being held either, but I always try.  Always will.

Yesterday evening we did go downtown for 
Music Walk. Arvid and I had on jackets.  For us it was 
cold, but this being Florida, for many it was just another 
beautiful and warm winter day.  That is was and cold.

To all the Margarita fan and even if 
you're not 😂,  Happy National Margarita Day.

I'm happy to be reminded that an ordinary
 day full of nothing but nothingness can make
 you feel like you've won the lottery...


Feb 21, 2025

Friday February 21st~

 It was just a normal day, a day like any other.
 But most of all it was a day in which everything
 was exactly the way it should be... 😍

Friday, that means a trip downtown and today being 
Music Walk even better.  Let's hope it's not too cold for us.
  Arvid and I are definitely not fans of the cold weather.
  Hopefully it will be warm enough for us to get out.

It feels as if the sun shines brighter and even 
warmer on cold days.  Sniff makes the most of it. 
 That's the only time he takes a break from watching TV.  
He never misses his daily dose of sunshine🌞

The morning though a bit cooler, began beautifully. 
Promises of a fantastic day ahead as well.  To all a good day; 
and remember that every day brings new choices.

Florida "cold" is nothing compared to what really is 😰
COLD around the nation. Loving the life we live🌴

It has taken awhile, but I certainly do know 
it now - the most wonderful gift I had, the gift 
I finally learned to cherish above all else, was
 the gift of all those perfectly ordinary days...


Feb 20, 2025

Thursday February 20th~

Today, may we make every moment count,
 and then we'll see that we have turned a 
'normal day' into a spectacular one...

 Sniff continues to demand TV time all day long.  
At nights I usually go into the bedroom a little before 
Arvid so that I can watch something other than car shows,
 but now all I can watch are Sniff's videos. He does not 
get tired and as soon as I turn it off he's wide awake.

We still need rain.  Yesterday looked like it was
 going to but nothing.  Thing is, just a few blocks 
from us there was nothing.  Us not so lucky.

It's Thursday.  Today I take a break from the
 kitchen, but not from household chores.  Those 
seem to never end.  Arvid will do the vacuuming.

Just for today, I will live through this day only,
 and not tackle my whole life problem at once...


Feb 19, 2025

Wednesday February 19th~

Good morning! May a positive 
and caring word be in your day...

Yesterday I saw my endocrinologist.  This is the first 
time ever since diagnosed with thyroid cancer a doctor 
has told me that, "everything appears to be within 
normal limits."  That for me is progress.

She asked if there was anything "new" happening. 
 If course I mentioned my torn meniscus and all the pain
 that I have.  I did tell her I try to do walks with Arvid
 in the afternoons, but that afterwards it really hurts.  

She says, "go swimming.  It does not cause pain,
 but just remember it's not good for your bones because 
your bones are brittle and can break easily."  

Well I had to laugh at that.  Yeah did I forget to 
mention I also have bone loss ever since I had to have
 an emergency hysterectomy.  Yeah, I almost died during
 that hysterectomy, but as you can see, I'm still here.

I have had guardian angels watching over me. 
 Someone told me that many years ago.  In the big picture, 
I am very grateful for all the goodness in my life.

So far it has been a good week.  A bit cooler, but I love 
it as long as it does not get too cold.  We still need rain 
badly.  Here in Fort Myers we have not had much rain.

Rima catered the wedding cake in New Orleans for
 one of her best friends.  The cake made it all the way from 
Virginia to NOLA.  As she told us, "Oh what a night."

A good day to all.  Sniff continues to hog my television in the 
bedroom.  I now find myself watching cat videos as well.

I am resilient.  I am grateful for 
everything I have in my life...


Feb 18, 2025

Tuesday February 18th~

Remember today is the tomorrow 
you worried about yesterday...

 Today is Rima's birthday.  My baby sister is celebrating
 in New Orleans.  She says it is her favorite place/city right 
now.  She and George do it right.  That's all I can say.

Getting Sniff to run is an accomplishment.  He prefers
 to throw himself down on the floor or just lay on the bed.  The 
other day I tried the laser again. He chased it for 5 seconds,
 then dropped down on the chair.  He had enough it seems.

Another picture perfect day begins.  While most of the 
nation is under a freeze, here in Florida we are cruising by.  
Warm weather all day long with a little cooler temperatures in
 the evenings.  Perfect paradise.  The place to be right now.

Flowers are in full bloom, and the sunsets are unending.
  Life in The Sunshine State is good to us.  Grateful.

It's strawberry season at Publix.  I walked over yesterday 
got my strawberries, even better when it's buy one get
 one free.  Sadly the strawberries are not sweet.

Wishing everyone a very good day.  If you're 
going to be weird, be confident about it.

We cannot solve problems with the kind of 
thinking we employed when we came up with them...


Feb 17, 2025

Monday February 17th~ New Week

Opportunities don’t come easily, 
you have to create them...

Another week to get it right.  If there is one thing
 I have learned it's that no matter how many times we fail, 
we always have the opportunity to try again and do better.

I read this the other day:  Life is a journey, and we 
each travel our own path.  No one is ahead or behind.  
We're all on our own unique timeline, so always trust 
the process and celebrate every step you take.

Arvid and I had a good outing yesterday. 
 Rumrunners is fastly becoming a favorite.

To all a good day and a great week ahead.  Always 
stand up for yourself even if nobody is on your side.

Challenges make life interesting and
 overcoming them makes life meaningful...
