Mar 6, 2025

Thursday March 6th~

Complaining is draining. Complaining only
 takes away energy from today and never
 solves the problems for tomorrow...

Yesterday Arvid and I celebrated 25 years of being 
together.  For 24 of those we have been married.  Of 
course I did not remember the date, or more like I 
didn't think of it.  Arvid never forgets it.  In our
 relationship Arvid is definitely the romantic.

We enjoyed a drink at home together with Sniff. 
 Though we did not get the rain I was hoping for, the day
 was gloomy and grey.  Made for good times indoors.  

Wishing everyone a day filled with all things good. 
 Our day is looking better and better already.  Trooper is that
 dog abandoned in Fort Myers during Hurricane Milton. 
 Who's having the last laugh now?  Go Trooper!

Every morning you have the choice to wake up with
 a grateful heart or a complaining tongue.  Your choice 
will set the tone for your day.  Choose wisely...


Mar 5, 2025

Remembering Lil' Shadow~❤ March 5th

Memory... is the diary that we all carry about with us...

 This morning I was going through my so many pictures
 of our kitties and I came across some of Lil Shadow.  It took 
me back to his feistiness and to the horrible way he died.  
Today is exactly five years since our Shadow died.

Those eyes.  The seem to look at me and ask me why I wasn't
 there to help him.  Guilt is something I will never be able to rid 
myself of.  Guilt of trusting someone to take care of my Shadow
 and instead because of negligence he died.  I live with that.

When we adopted Shadow he was just six months old.  He 
never lived to be even one year.  He died on March 5th 2016.
  Just four months after he came into our lives.  Arvid and I 
just can't even talk about how he died, it's too horrible.

After Brutus died, Shadow came and filled our days with his 
feistiness and his zest for everything.  Like all kittens he got into 
"trouble" all day long.  Arvid and I were grieving Brutus, at times
 I have to admit we failed to always appreciate Shadow's antics.

Life has and is good to me.  I have experienced many 
a sorrows.  Truth is who hasn't?  We all learn to carry on 
and move on.  Life does not stand still for anyone, and if we do, 
we may just get "blown" away.  A good day to all and may we 
never forget to be grateful for all our blessings.  I have many
 reasons to be grateful, and I try to not take it for granted.

When one door of happiness closes, another opens;
 but often we look so long at the closed door that we do
 not see the one which has been opened for us...


Wednesday March 5th~

It is your life and it is worth risking 
everything to make it yours...

 One foot in front of the other... day by day.  Step
 by step... be gentle with yourself along the way.  Your 
dreams are out there... don't let them get away, even if
 it's just a small step keep going forward.  Always.

Today we expect rain, and by the looks of it, I think
 we will be having some ๐Ÿ™ Hopefully we will get it. 
 As I keep saying, we really need it.  They need it. 

Not much happening here today.  Arvid of course has
 a few soccer games later on in the day.  Hopefully take
 care of a few things that need to get done at home also.  

I have a ton of laundry to do.  Seems like I do laundry 
everyday.  I keep reminding Arvid that when he was alone in
 Norway he did laundry, he did housework.  So my question
 to him is, "what happened?  Did you forget how to do 
those things?"  My inquiries always go unanswered.

When I was 5 years old, my mother always told 
me that happiness was the key to life.  When I went to 
school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. 
 I wrote down ‘happy’.  They told me I didn’t understand the
 assignment, and I told them they didn’t understand life...


Mar 4, 2025

Tuesday February 4th~

If I had no sense of humor, I would 
long ago have committed suicide...

 On my drive to the doctors office yesterday I saw
 a lot of funny bumper stickers and once I had a red 
light I managed to get a couple. Still laughing. 
 Florida sure has a great sense of humor๐Ÿ˜‚

Yesterday after the doctor I had a little pit stop at 
Dunkin Donut.  Was very happy because I have been meaning
 to go there ever since we moved to Fort Myers.  It's less than a 
3 minute drive from us.  I like it much better than Starbucks.

Arvid never got any of the chores he needed to get 
done in the house.  Said he had a very busy day yesterday.  
As usual the chores have been rescheduled for another day.
  Now Wednesday because it may rain on that day.

Quiet day here for me.  Not planning on doing 
much except doing a Publix run. Who knows, maybe 
a famous Publix Sub as well. You always need to eat.

To all a good day.  Remember, overthinking 
is no joke.  It really eats you up from within.

Make each day a new horizon...


Mar 3, 2025

Monday March 3rd~ New Week

 Say hello to Monday and a brand new 
week filled with endless possibilities...

As the new day begins, we look forward to
 another productive week ahead.  As I always say, 
Arvid and I do know how to stay busy. 

To start the day, there's a few things needing to 
be done right here at home; that is after Arvid wakes
 up, has his water, then breakfast and then a couple
 of hours to actually fully wake up as he says.

Yesterday was another very gorgeous day.  Good
 for walks and to be outdoors while dining.  

As for us we had an enjoyable outing good food
 and great weather.  Our Sunday was very good.  Still
 missing not having mom and dad here with us.

Arvid spent a lot of yesterday watching TV.  Nothing 
unusual, then he spend another big part of the day finding 
"things" to take to Branson.  That's all he talks about.  He has 
to fix this or fix that.  He says he can't wait for us to go again. 
 I'm looking forward to fixing up the apartment making it
 ready for Sniff so that we can take him next time we go.

To all a very good week.  A little busy this morning, 
but I'm a morning person so for me that perfect.  I'm usually 
back home before Arvid is fully awake.  In the meantime
 Sniff and I are enjoying a few quiet moments together.

Within you, there is a stillness and a sanctuary to 
which you can retreat at any time and be yourself...


Mar 2, 2025

Sunday March 2nd~

Sipping on sunshine ☀️ and soaking up smiles ๐Ÿ˜Š. 
Here's to the good times that just keep getting better... 

 Arvid and I got back home yesterday 
after spending two days in Fort Lauderdale, 
where we had an absolutely great time.

Arvid had a two day trade meeting where of 
course he excelled, and as always he did make
 a few trades.  Needless to say he is happy.

Thursday we had lunch with Victoria and 
Michael. As always company was great and the 
food was not bad either.  Very relaxing time.

After Arvid’s meeting on Friday evening he and I 
went to check out the pub next to our hotel.  It was have 
been a waste had we not done so.After the pub we once 
again had an evening with Victoria, Michael and a 
very good friend (Svein). The evening was perfect. 

We had perfect weather, great drinks, delicious 
appetizers and good company.  Could not ask for a better 
time.  In the background there was also street music.

After all was said and done, Arvid and I were happy 
to be going home. As we were leaving Fort Lauderdale
 Arvid once again said to me, “I don't think of this place
 as home anymore.  I don’t miss is.”  We both have
 lived in Fort Lauderdale for some 30+ years. 

We enjoyed the evening with the good company, but 
both Arvid and I said we preferred downtown Fort Myers
 a lot more.  We’re just not keen on the traffic, the crowds 
and just noise everywhere. You can say we’re getting older. 

Home is where we are happy. Happy to see Sniff.  
All I can say is that Sniff really missed us. He has not 
left our sides as yet and though he wants to watch TV,
 he wants me to be on the bed with him. We both watched 
some TV shows for cats.  Sniff got tired and dozed off 
a bit, but as soon as I left the room so did he.  

Sunday and we look forward to our outing 
right here in Fort Myers.  To all a good day. 
I have a fascination with these "tanks."๐Ÿ˜‚

It's not that I take pleasure in the morbid
 fascination of it, but it is a fact of life...


Mar 1, 2025

New Month~ March 1st

I love March as it gives me hope that 
new beginnings are always beautiful...

 We've all waited patiently for March, when the days are 
getting longer.  When the harsh weather slowly transitions 
into milder weather. Yes, for most it's been a really harsh
 winter.  Welcome March, and please be good to all of us.

In March of 2015 our Shadow died a horrible death. 
 Something Arvid and I just cannot overcome.  We don't 
talk about it much, but it's always there.  Shadow died 
and Sniff came into our lives.  Sniff is my happy place.

March is also the month of many birthdays in 
our family.  We have Gabsy on the 1st, Aleah on
 the 22nd,  Max on the 23rd and Vanessa on the
 30th making March a beautiful month as well.

March is going to be a pretty busy month for us.  
We will be going to Branson for a few days and a few 
day trips to Fort Lauderdale.  Maybe another night as
 well, so all is good. Busy just the way  we like it.

Last year around this time we went to Jekyll Island,  
in Georgia.  My favorite spot there is Driftwood Beach. 
I always enjoy the quietness of the place and try to capture 
some pretty amazing pictures.  Unfortunately, we had to 
cancel our trip for this year. Below was from last year 

As everyone knows, Branson is definitely one of our 
favorite places, and having our own little place again 
makes it even better.  Can't wait to take Sniff with us. 
 This trip will be to make the apartment ready for Sniff.

Wishing everyone a March to remember.

March is the month of expectation, 
the things we do not know...


Feb 28, 2025

February 28th~

  Almost everything will work again if you 
unplug it for a few minutes…Including you...   

Out of the "office."  Will be back tomorrow ๐Ÿ˜‚It is very
 important to recharge our batteries to uplift our spirits and
 refresh our perspectives towards life. It is often said that the
 best way to recharge yourself is to unplug yourself from the 
daily duties for sometime.  It's what I plan to do today. 

Today we have a day in Fort Lauderdale.
  We have been here since yesterday and plan to be 
back home tomorrow.  Arvid has one of his trade
 meetings.  Started yesterday and done today.

After the meeting today we plan on listening to some
music ๐ŸŽตwith Victoria, Michael and Svein a very good 
friend also from Norway.  A few drinks, a little nibble, good
 company all good ingredients for a great time.Life has been and
still is good to us.  We have enjoyed all the places we have lived.

To all a good day and "see" you tomorrow. 
Taking a break helps you understand yourself
 better and recharges your drained battery.

Give yourself permission to unplug and regroup, 
without feeling guilty ❤ . You can’t be there for
others if you don’t take care of yourself first...


Feb 27, 2025

Thursday February 27th~

I like my coffee black and my mornings bright...

 I've got nothing to say but it's
 okay, good morning, good morning.

We have a few busy days ahead of us.  Love it. 
 I know Sniff will miss his TV time, but on the other
 hand he will catch up on much needed sleep.

Sniff does not make it easy on himself.  Recently he
 does not want to do anything other that watch TV.  I don't
 turn it on all the time because I want him to run around,
 he never does. Like all cats he's extremely stubborn.

Our day has begun beautifully and it is only
 going to get better.  Yes, spending time with family is 
always a happy time.  To all a good day and a happy
 weekend ahead.  Our weekend begins today.

I’ve found that the first thirty minutes of 
my day have the biggest impact on how I
 feel for the rest of my waking hours...


Feb 26, 2025

Wednesday February 26th~

Today is your opportunity to
 build the tomorrow you want...

 Sniff continues to sit on the bed and just stare at a blank 
television screen.  Of course I turn it on for him.  Can't let 
the poor lil' dude suffer.  He watches TV until his eyes can't 
stay open anymore.  Takes a nap, but if he knows I came into 
the room he's all "alert" again and continues watching.  Until 
of course he falls asleep.  I love watching him watch TV.

Yesterday I had a few things to do on my own.  I left Arvid for
 two hours.  When I came home he was nowhere in sight.  Afterwards
 he tells me he was bored so he took a trip to the house.  I was happy
 I didn't have to go.  There is nothing to do there.  The only attraction
 was going to see mom and dad, otherwise it's not for me. 

Florida man continues to entertain me and so many 
others.These Floridians, people in general have such a crazy
sense of humor.  I love it. Some call it a sick sense of humor

To all a very good day, let's not forget that 
morning comes whether you set the alarm or not.

I remind myself every morning: Nothing I 
say this day will teach me anything. So, if 
I’m going to learn, I must do it by listening...
