The night taught me never to fear the dark times,
by giving way to the dawn of a new day...
This has definitely been a very long week.
Seems like it was never ending. Does not
help having no TV nor internet. boring!
Even so we stayed busy. We had lunch out yesterday.
Both Arvid and I were craving pizza. After pizza
we decided to have a drink at Hideaway Bar.
That was a very smart move on my part.
Aside from that all is good. Xfinity (brand of Comcast)
that’s our internet and cable service is working diligently to
restore our services. We just have to be patient. As you
all know, that’s not Arvid and I. No other choice 😎
Sniff is doing great. Having lots of attention
and a little extra of everything. He’s a really
happy boy and my very own happy place.
Still no internet nor TV, but it’s Sunday and
we will still enjoy our outing. Always good to get
out and do something. To all a beautiful day. We
take for granted too much until we don’t have it.
Every day is a new day, and you'll never be able
to find happiness if you don't move on...