Oct 31, 2024

Thursday October 31st~

Having you as our granddaughter
 means having a lifetime of love and joy...

Our youngest granddaughter was born today three 
years ago.  Lil' Amelia is "our" Halloween baby.  She
 is just a joy to be with.  She gives the tightest hugs
 and no one makes better faces than she does.

I love her so much.  We love all our granddaughters. 
 They bring joy and happiness to our life's and being able 
to hear them/her call me grandma is one of the biggest joys
 in my life.  When I think of Amelia I just want to hold her.

She's growing up too fast.  They all are.  We do see 
them every summer and who knows maybe in the 
future more so.  After all we do have an apartment 
in Norway.  We can go anytime we feel the urge.  

Three years have gone by so fast.  Amelia is just 
growing and growing and with each passing day 
she's becoming more and more a little lady.  

Today is also Halloween in the United States.  Now 
many places have also adopted this celebration.  In Norway 
our granddaughters will also be going trick or treating.

I love taking pictures of everything and Halloween stuff
 is no exception.  I find humor in just about everything.

Wishing everyone a good day and a happy birthday
 to our youngest granddaughter Amelia.  Grandma 
and grandpa in America love you very much.

When black cats prowl and pumpkins shine, 
when shivery shivers run down your spine, when 
ghosts and goblins ring the chime, beware
 and be scared – it's Halloween time...


Oct 30, 2024

Wednesday October 30th~

 Be careful what you wish for, 
especially during the season of the dead...

Every day is a day closer to Halloween.  Like I have said
 before we do not really do much, but since moving to Fort Myers 
we usually head Downtown and check out the "scene"  Hopefully
 we do the same this year.  Last year we saw some crazy as in 
very cool stuff.  Shouldn't be any different this year.

Yesterday I had two follow up doctors appointments.  
October and November are busy months.  Meaning they
 are "packed" with doctors appointments.  Nothing critical,
 merely follow up checkups since the diagnosis of breast cancer. 
 You just have to do what you have to do.  The way I see it, 
I get to go out on my own and after the doctor, I get to do
 a few things I like.  So for me, it's just a fun day.

To all a very good day.  I used to dress up our Brutus 
for every occasion.  Sniff is not a fan of "dress up."

You have brains in your head. 
You have feet in your shoes. You can steer 
yourself any direction you choose...


Oct 29, 2024

Tuesday October 29th~

There are nights when the wolves 
are silent and only the moon howls...

 There is always something to see no matter where we are. 
 On the road we saw this big boat on a trailer.  The owner 
was having quite the time making the turn.  Everyone just 
looked on wondering will he or will he not get it right.
  It's a good way to pass the time when in traffic.

Everytime we go walking we see the neighbors car in 
the garage.  Every single time Arvid stops to admire it and
 then he says to me, "maybe I should get one of theses?"
I know Arvid so I never pay attention to his "ranting"

A good day to all.  October is soon done 
and so far it's been a really good month.

Yesterday we went to M15 and Lady's home/nest.  
Sadly when we arrived a photographer who was there for a 
couple of hours (he told me) said that the Eagles just left the nest.  
They have been "home" everyday at all hours, but not when
 we got there.  They are fortifying the nest preparing for baby
 eaglets.  Can't wait.  Another time it will be, after all 
these only are about 15 minutes away from us.

To all a very good day.  If you are a Halloween fan
 then you do not have much longer to wait and to indulge
 in a night of "horror."  Just be safe and keep your pets safe.

 No matter how good or bad your life is, wake up each
 morning and be thankful that you still have one...


Oct 28, 2024

New Week~ Monday October 28th~

All great achievements require time...

 As the new week begins Arvid and I are ready
 again to tackle working in the house.  It's a brand new home,
 but it needs a little help here and there with installing stuff and 
hanging stull.  Things that are "fun" and not burdensome.

On one of our trips to Downtown I always stop to 
admire one particular mural.  It represents the Eagles 
and the Florida big cats.  It makes me stop and 
think of how cruel humans can be at times.

October is soon over.  We have done quite a bit so far 
this month.  The temperature is getting cooler and it makes 
being in Florida right now the paradise everyone always 
says it is.  No place like Florida when it's winter in other 
places.  Our friends and families are already having very
cold weather.  Whereas we are having beautiful days.

Yesterday we had a very good time with Nina and David.  
The meal was delicious, but the drinks were the clear winner. 
 No one makes cocktails/frozen drinks like Puerto Ricans.  

Being raised in a Latin culture makes you realize that 
nothing compares to Latin food, specifically Puerto Rican food. 
 That and Indian food are my two very favorite cuisines.

To all a very good day.  Embrace the new week with a
 positive mindset and watch your potential unfold.

Don’t watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going...


Oct 27, 2024

Sunday October 27th~

Remember, there’s no such thing as a small act of 
kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end...

  Today we see Nina and David at the house and 
take them to lunch.  Just like Victoria and Michael, 
Nina and David always go that extra mile.  We are always 
invited to their home and they make a feast as well.  
Today it will be a pleasure to treat them instead.

In preparation that they may also stop over and 
visit us here at home, Arvid is cleaning like crazy. 
 As he says, we need to have company every so
 often so that we can do a deep clean πŸ˜‚

We have not seen them for a while, even though they do 
come to Florida quite often.  Nina and David also have a home 
in Tampa.  They fluctuate between Pennsylvania and Tampa.  Not
 bad if you ask me.  That used to be us at one time.  Florida and 
Branson, but now it's mainly Florida, and nothing wrong 
with that except that the summers are too hot and humid.

Now for us getting away from Florida's humidity it's
 Norway.  Talking about Norway, I finally get to give 
them the Norwegian chocolate I bought.  I brought a 
lot and one by one as I see everyone, they get theirs.

Yesterday Arvid and I went out and listened to some 
music.  A new venue for us, and I have to say it took us 
back to good old Chicago.  We say someone called 
Toronzo Cannon.  According to Arvid we have 
seen him before in the Chicago Blues Festival. 

 I take Arvid's word on this πŸ˜‚ When it comes to 
these venues Arvid knows best who we have seen.  He 
keeps a little book of all the places we have been to 
and even from before we met.  Very organizedπŸ™Š

Of course at that time Arvid was saying, "we have 
to go back to Chicago next summer for the Blues Festival. 
 Truth is Arvid says many things, now I know that if I really 
wanted to go or do something I will plan it on my own 
and have to do it when he's not home.  He protests
 too much when I say we  should do this or that.

To all a vey good day.  Looking forward to seeing 
my sister and her husband later today.  Now to have 
breakfast and do a little more cleaning.  Sniff say 
hi to all and that he's soon ready for Halloween.

After silence, that which comes nearest 
to expressing the inexpressible is music...


Oct 26, 2024

Saturday October 26th~

Compassion for animals is intimately associated with
 goodness of character, and it may be confidently asserted
 that he who is cruel to animals cannot be a good man...

 So yesterday after our flu shot, I did manage to feed a 
few ducks and some birds.  I'm always happy when I can feed 
the wildlife.  Makes me feel good.  At times like these I really 
miss my PR kitties and my wildlife buddies back in Branson.

Both the ducks and the birds all like Sniff's cat food and 
according to what I've read, it's not good to feed the ducks bread.  
It makes them heavy and unable to fly.  What I give them now is 
cat food, bird seeds and oatmeal.  Those are recommended.

Everyday is one day closer to Halloween.  Not like
 we will be doing much, but it's fun to see all the places
 with their decorations out.  Sniff is getting excited.

Arvid and I did decide to go for our Friday outing Downtown.  
As always it was a good time.  Perfect weather and always 
interesting to do a little people watching.  We did also end
 up having a slice of pizza.  As always was delicious. 

Today Arvid has many soccer games.  I may go to 
the mall for a bit, but as of right now I'm not feeling it. 
 It's been a while since I last went to the mall, and the 
truth is I don't miss it one bit.  To all a good day.

Life is a succession of lessons which
 must be lived to be understood...


Oct 25, 2024

Friday October 25th-

In the midst of chaos, find a lazy day...

 It’s Friday. It feels like this week would never end.
 I’m a little tired today. It’s not as if I have done so much, 
but I’m tired.  Humor though is keeping me laughing.
Hoping for a "lazy" day if there is actually such a thing.

Yesterday Arvid and I got lots done at the house. 
 We finally took the shutters down.  Happy about
 that because it was so dark in the house. Now it’s 
nice and bright again.  Such a difference.

Today we got the flu shot. It’s worked really 
good for us.  Since we started doing this every year 
neither of us has really had a cold.  At least not a 
bad one.  I’m not as consistent as Arvid in getting
 the shot yearly, but will do this year. Can’t hurt.

Usually Fridays we go downtown, but not sure 
if we will today.  As of right now we are undecided.
  Today is cleaning day here at home.  Depending on how
 we feel we may or may not go to the house  today.

Wishing everyone a good day, after all it's Friday.

A lazy day is a productive day for the soul...


Oct 24, 2024

Thursday October 23rd~

Don't bother just to be better than your contemporaries 
or predecessors. Try to be better than yourself...

It felt so good to have a few hours to myself.  It reminded
 me of the time I had in August.  I really miss doing so many 
things like I did, but yesterday gave me a little feel of it again.  
While Arvid was busy doing his thing, I did mine.  Both happy.

Over the weekend Arvid and I decided we would take a day 
off working in the house and head to Fort Lauderdale. We looked
 at each other and at the same time we both said, "but we're not 
spending the night."  The truth be told we would both rather 
come back home after taking care of what we need to.

As Arvid did what he wanted I checked out a few places
 that I like.  Of course we also ended up at the Swap Shop where 
I always get fresh coconuts and some hard to find tropical fruit.
 By the time we were done with all we had to do, there was no
 time left to go to the Norwegian store. Next time it will be.

We always go to lunch at Houston's.  One of our 
favorite restaurant.  The food is extremely good and 
the views are not too shabby either.  Makes for a relaxing 
time before heading back home to Sniff.  Sniff is home.

On our way home the sun was already setting.  It's 
very difficult to get a picture when the car is moving fast.  
When Arvid drives he just drives, he said he just wanted 
to get back home.  We both did, but still I tried.

It was a good day.  Good to do something different 
than just work, but today we are back to the house
 taking care of business.  To all a good day.
  Sniff is getting ready for Halloween.  

My mama always said, life is like a box of 
chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get...



Oct 23, 2024

Wednesday October 23rd~

If the only prayer you said in your whole 
life was, 'thank you,' that would suffice...

Every morning Arvid starts his day reading the news, 
and as always I get my share of it from him.  Usually it's 
always about climate change and how the world is doomed. 
 Maybe, maybe not.  I like to think that we humans may find
 the way to save ourselves πŸ™.  Just a positive thought. 
 As Arvid always says, "It's not looking good for the 
younger generation as in our grandkids."

 A few more pictures from our Sunday outing. It was 
another very beautiful day.  The weather was good, food
 and drinks were good and the palm trees were swaying.  
Of course there is Halloween decorations everywhere.

There was also a nice breeze coming our way.  Made for 
a perfect outdoor dining experience.  As we were dining we 
overheard the people next to us talking to the waitress.  

Both the couple and the waitress were transplants 
from Fort Lauderdale.  They were discussing the pros 
and cons of both places, but they all ended up with, "that's
 why we're here."  That's the same I can say for Arvid 
and I.  After all was said and done, we chose to 
live in Fort Myers, and we have no regrets.

It is always a treat when we do go to Fort Lauderdale. 
 After all it's where both Arvid and I have lived most of our lives.
  It's beautiful, there are many restaurants we love, and we get
 to see a few people and do a few things we like, but at the
 end of the day it's good to go back home.  Strange how when
 we think of home, we now think of Fort Myers as such 🌴.

Sniff's having one of those "I'm not ready to face the 
day "kind of day right now.  Yup he need more sleep 
and he sure gets it.  We have a few things to do today 
again, so it's a happy busy day once again for us.

A good day to all.  Remember that humor makes 
everything better.  “Have you ever noticed that 
anybody driving slower than you is an idiot, and 
anyone going faster than you is a maniac πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚?

Never regret anything you have done with a sincere 
affection; nothing is lost that is born of the heart...
