Jul 19, 2024

July 19th~ A Day in Oslo

Don't find fault, find a remedy: anyone can complain...

 Yesterday Arvid and I had a day out in Oslo.  From
 Horten it is a little over an hours drive.  Not sure what was
 going on, but the entire Norway was in Oslo.  I guess when
 you have a beautiful day you have to make the most of it.

The day was predicted to be sunny and warm, and it was. 
 In Oslo you walk a lot, and I love it, but at the same time when you
 know you're going to do a lot of walking you should at least dress 
accordingly.  Arvid was overdressed (too warm) and over heated.
The rest of the crowd dressed according to the weather 😂

Oslo, the capital of Norway, sits on the country’s
 southern coast at the head of the Oslofjord. It’s known for
 its green spaces and museums.  Oslo is the economic
 and governmental centre of Norway. The city is also a hub
 of Norwegian trade, banking, industry and shipping. 

When Arvid's dehydration set in 😒 everything came to a halt.
  To my advantage he chose to go to the nearest restaurant.  Just 
happened to be an Indian restaurant.  I was happy.  Not sure he
 was that much, but he could not wait so it turned out good for me.

The day was gorgeous.  I tried to do some shopping, 
but everything was SLOW so after just a few stores I
 thought it was best we left.  Arvid was just sitting 
waiting for me.  Getting hotter by the minute. 

 Victoria recommended we visit a few places.  
Guess there is always next year.  Truth is, I don't think
 I want to go back.  That is unless I go by myself and 
that is not probably happening.  I did get some good 
pictures of the city and it's vibe.  It's a great city.

I really like Oslo.  One day I will see everything in that
 city and experience that amazing Oslo vibe.  One day.

Last night after coming back from Oslo, I told 
Arvid I needed a strong drink.  Something to just chill
 my mood out 😂 We all need that once in a while.

I had a good day.  I was dressed for it, and I 
enjoyed seeing the crowd filled with happy faces.  Not 
something we do all the time so it was a nice change.

This morning it did not rain.  Cloudy I can handle.
  I went walking and little by little the day is getting brighter,
 as in sunnier.  If this holds up Arvid and I may just go 
to Fishland for a cold one and me a warm cafe.

Back home in Florida my Sniff is probably still asleep. 

To all a good day.  Today looks like it is going to be bright and sunny,

If you want a happy ending, that depends, 
of course, on where you stop your story...
