Jun 6, 2024

Thursday June 6th~

Life is about the adventures you take and the 
memories you make. So travel often and live
 life with open eyes and an open heart...  

My sister Nirvana from Puerto Rico, and her daughter
 Kimsy  arrived in Argentina early this morning.  They will
 be there for an almost three weeks vacation, and a birthday
 trip for Kimsy.  J lives in Colombia, but for the last couple
 of years, he and Paola have been living 3-4 months a year
 in Argentina.  J loves skiing and this is the time.

M sister Nirvan is very familiar with Colombia since 
she has been going there quite often since J is there, but this 
is the first time for both her and Kimsy going to Argentina.
  I am very excited for them to be seeing J and Paola soon.

J does not leave anything to chance.  He has already
 mapped out a few things for them to do.  J is the perfect
 tour guide.  They have already reserved a weekend in a place 
called Mendoza (wine country) a treat for Kimsy on her 
birthday and a few days to see another place in Argentina.

Here at home the heat continues, but this is Florida so you
 have to take it all as a package.  Just think that when 
winter comes, this is where everyone wants to be.

Yesterday the building tested their alarm system.  A full
 hour of blasting noise.  We are safe again, but I may a bit 
deafer than I was.  This is done not sure if once or twice 
a year.  For that hour there was no sign of our Sniff.

Wishing everyone a good day.  The week is soon over.
  June is moving along 😍 very fast.  Soon it will be time to see 
our granddaughters in Norway.  Looking so forward to that.
Not happy about leaving Sniff, but Norway is more special
 now because of 3 little girls.  I can't wait to hug them.

 I can already hear the sound of our laughter when we reunite...
