Jun 30, 2024

Sunday June 30th~

Simply content with being alone.
Do one thing every day that scares you...

The party in South Florida is today.

 Didn’t do much yesterday but I did get a lot of 
relaxation throughout the day.  Arvid watched a ton
 of soccer and Sniff was hiding on and off due to the 
lightning and thunder.  A typical day in at home.

Sniff is getting into July 4th mode and Floridians are 
already getting their humor in place.  Gotta love Florida.

I slept really good.  I was awake early. but not throughout the 
night.  I feel happy, rested and ready for the day.  It's looking 
to be one of those days where the weather does everything. 
 Sunshine, rain, thunderstorms, lightning.  You name it, it
 will definitely happen. After all, this is summer in Florida.

 A very good day to all.  Make it a great one.

The big lesson in life, baby, is
 never be scared of anyone or anything...


Jun 29, 2024

Saturday June 29th

I want a world where everything is welcome,
 everything is valid, everything is acknowledged, 
embraced, and accepted. To me, that's a perfect world...

 I’m not sure why, but I seem to always be exhausted. 
It’s not like I work a 9-5 job either.  I just can't help it, 
I’m tired so very tired. I’m sure it has to do with me 
being awake almost always around 1:00am and not 
getting back to sleep until closer to 4:00am and
 then finally getting up at 5:30 in the morning.

This is just about everyday. I have no reason to do this, 
but it happens more often than I would like   That being 

said by 3 in the afternoon I’m exhausted.  Bone tired.  Sleep
 used to come so easily to me. Now it’s such a rare thing.

Yesterday Arvid and I had a fairly long day.  We planned
 it one way but it turned out differently.  The plan was after
 dropping the car off to the dealership to fix some 
kind of a recall, we would go to Marco Island. 

 We did get to Marco Island, but I wanted to go to the 
beach and Arvid wanted to drive and check out the island. 
 I wanted the beach. I did not get to the beach.  We made it
 to 2 beaches but we had to park and then walk to the beach.
 Arvid didn’t want to, and I was so tired I didn't protest much.

  All I know is if one goes to Marco Island one has
 to go to the beach. Maybe I’ll do it on my now one of these
 days ๐Ÿ™ƒ. Of course it then started to rain. That didn’t help
 much.  All that being said, we did have a good say.  

We went to a Puerto Rican restaurant I’ve 
been wanting to go to for a long time. Everything
 was delicious, but the  Piรฑa Colada was exceptional.
  Definitely going back there in the summer.๐Ÿน

Work continues on the clearing of the marina.  Arvid 
continues to keep watch and to keep me informed.

Sniff in the meantime has decided to be difficult. 
Whenever we have to travel he knows weeks in advance,
 and stops eating.  He’s been doing this now for over 
a week. As if I needed that stress right now.  That being
 said he is well stocked up for when we are not home.

A good day to all.  Here in Florida life is peachy 
and there is always something to laugh about.

Life is so much easier with a sense of humor...


Jun 28, 2024

Friday June 28th~

When my father didn't have my hand, he had my back...

 It's our dad's birthday.  We may not be celebrating it with
him in North Carolina, but his five daughters their spouses, 
his 9 grand children and their sopuses/significant others 
wish him always the very best.  My dad is a special man.  
I don't think any man will ever measure up to him. 

 He is kindness personified.  When you hear someone say,
 "I'll give you the shirt off my back"  Well my dad has done 
that many a times.  All someone has to say is I really like your
 so and so.  Next thing you know it was theirs.  Didn't always make 
my mom nor us happy, but we sure learnt from that.  It's from 
my dad that I know kindness, and I always will put someone's 
need over mine.  Not always good, but always happens.

My parents and some of my sisters, and a whole lot of family 
members from Canada and England and of course the USA will 
be in Florida in July celebrating my aunts 50th wedding Anniversary. 
 Sadly I won't.  We will be in Norway with family as well๐Ÿ˜

Happy birthday daddy.  Arvid said we will be having a 
few cold ones in your honor, we know you will as well.  May 
your birthday be filled with joy, laughter, and the sounds of
 you cracking open a cold one.  I love you and I will always
 be grateful for you, and for all you did and still do for us.

Both Arvid and I just spoke to my dad, 
and at the same time they both said, "have a cold 
one or two for me."  Both said they will.  Arvid
 always remembers their age better than I do.

As always no blog is complete without a little 
hellos from our Sniff.  He makes me happy and 
that's all there is to say.  I love him so much.

My father gave me the greatest gift anyone 
could give another person: He believed in me...


Jun 27, 2024

Thursday June 27th~

Celebrate life, for it is the ultimate gift we have been given...
The most beautiful things are not associated 
with money; they are memories and moments. If
 you don't celebrate those, they can pass you by

The celebration for the Florida Panthers continues.  
Everywhere there is a billboard, banners or something 
Panther.  More so in Fort Lauderdale/South Florida. 

Below some more Florida humor.  It's not for everyone.

It's getting closer to Norway time ๐Ÿ˜  Yesterday we "saw" 
the girls Michelle and Emil.  Always seeing them makes it real. 
 As usual Sniff was not happy we were paying attention to someone
 else.  He chose to sit right in front of the iPad.  Of course we 
gently moved him.  I don't think he was very happy.

To all a very good day.  I'm still waiting to hear back from
 my Orthopedic surgeon.  I'm telling you, it's no fun to be in pain.

Happiness shared is happiness doubled...


Jun 26, 2024

Wednesday June 26th~

Quiet mornings are the moments to relish, 
to ponder upon life, breathe in the fresh air and look 
around you without any crowd or noise...

 The celebration continues for the Florida Panthers.  If you're
 in South Florida you will be in for a treat, that is if you are a 
hockey fan, even if you're not it will still be a great time.

The Florida Panthers merchandise is a hot commodity right now.  

The day has barely begun and we 
have already experience all of the below.

All is good at home.  Lots going on in the 
marina.  Keeps Sniff and Arvid "busy"

To all a good day.  Currently raining.  Feels good to be indoors.

You have peace," the old woman said, 
"when you make it with yourself...


Jun 25, 2024

June 25th ~ Panthers WIN!!!

Game on.  Panthers took home the Stanley Cup...

 The Florida Panthers made history Monday
 night in front of more than 19,000 fans at Amerant 
Bank Arena in Sunrise, Florida, beating the Edmonton
 Oilers 2-1 to win their first Stanley Cup.  Cats WIN!

Wayne Huizenga was awarded a franchise from the 
NHL on December 10, 1992. On April 20, 1993, a press 
conference in Ft. Lauderdale announced that the team would
 be named Florida Panthers, and today the rest is history.  

I'm super happy, a little sad to see the Oilers crushed, but 
would have been worse to see The Florida Panther's crushed. 
 Picture below is from many years ago when we lived in
 Fort Lauderdale.  We were and still are Panthers fans, 
and we have been to many a games back then.

It's a beautiful day here at home, made better because
 the Panther won.  This is Florida so we have lightning and 
thunder one minute, sunshine next, and then suddenly rain.  
Florida living and I love it.  Party time if not a Holiday ๐Ÿ’
 in South Florida.  So many will not make it to work today.

That victory was accompanied by one of the longest-standing 
traditions for Florida Panthers fans and one of the strangest the NHL
 has ever seen: it has to do with plastic rats. Since the 1996 Stanley
 Cup season, fans have littered the ice with rats following every win.

To all a good day.  To all the Canadian fans, there is
 always next year.  This one belongs to The Florida Panthers.

 After 30 years, The Florida Panthers win the 
Stanley Cup for the fist time in franchise history...


Jun 24, 2024

Monday June 24th~

It's no use going back to yesterday,
 because I was a different person then...

Another week and another day closer to seeing
 the girls and family in Norway.  Arvid and I have 
started to sort what we will be taking with us. 

 I think differently than Arvid and would do things a bit 
differently, but for the sake of smooth sailing he gets his 
way.  If it were up to me I would get everything we need 
in Norway, but like I said he thinks differently than I do.

The suitcases are already packed and weighed, and I 
have not yet packed any clothes, shoes, anything for me.
  According to Arvid I have enough already in Norway.
I of course disagree.  There is no room to take anything
 for anyone, but I will make sure I make some room. 

Sniff is still “worried” every time we walk out the door. 
He meows and meows like as if we are leaving him again. 
Of course knowing that we soon will stresses me out and
 dampens my excitement.  But excited I am.  We are.

Over the weekend we have watched so much soccer.  
I feel as if I live in soccer land ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿป‍♀️Tonight the Stanley Cup
 champions will be crowned  of course I’m rooting for the
 Florida Panther’s.  LET’S GO PANTHER’S!๐Ÿˆ‍⬛  I know 
I will be a wreck throughout the entire game ๐Ÿˆ‍⬛

This week I’m getting all of Sniffs Chewy order sorted. 
 He already has a few deliveries coming today, and a few later 
in the week.  Like all pet owners, I have overstocked.  He 
has for more than twice the amount of time I will be gone for.
Sniff gets what he wants, otherwise he gets very demanding.

To all a very good week.  If you want to 
see progress, you have to work for it.

Remember, every day of the week is a fresh start...


Jun 23, 2024

Sunday June 23rd~

If you want something said, ask a man;
 if you want something done, ask a woman...

I looking forward to going to Norway as I mentioned 
before, at the same time I am starting to stress about Sniff 
being alone for so long.  Life, I know it's best to keep things 
simple, right now I know I am over thinking it too much.
  Sniff is well cared for when we are away.  But...

Still one more game in the Stanley Cup.  Still
 hoping for the Florida Panther's to win.  Game seven 
has to be their lucky game.  One can only hope ๐Ÿ˜‚

Soccer is back on for a little.  European Championship. 
 Means our schedule is adjusted to the schedule of the games ๐Ÿ˜‚ 
 A good day to all and whatever you do may it bring you joy.

I was once again up very early.  I really wish I
 could sleep in, but at the same time I get to see
 the beautiful start of the day.  Worth it.

 Don't let someone else's opinion of you become your reality...


Jun 22, 2024

Saturday June 22nd~

No matter what yesterday was like, birds
 always start the new day with a song...

 Yesterday we went downtown Fort Myers for Music Walk. 
 Though it was hot, it was a very good time.  As always lots 
of music, interesting crowd and of course Jesus preaching
 to anyone who would listen.  I just find it amusing 
and definitely always make sure I get a picture.

We walked around a bit, checked out the different 
musicians, of course Arvid had a brief interaction with Jesus. 
 Trying to convert Arvid is not to anyone's advantage.  

Last night was game 6 of seven of the Stanley Cup. 
 Once again the Florida Panthers took a beating.  I never
 would have thought that after they won the first three games 
of the Stanley Cup, they would then lose the next three.  The Oilers 
(Canadians) are in to win this cup and it's looking like they will. 
 Of course I want the Florida Panthers to win, but it's 
not looking so good.  One more game to go.

All is good here.  Sniff does not leave our side and whenever
 we move he cries.  He just wants to hideaway in my backpack.

A good day to all and a good weekend.  Here we
 are starting to get into the Norway mode already.

Do what you can, with what you have, where you are...


Jun 21, 2024

Friday June 21st~

 The secret to life is finding joy in ordinary things...

In two weeks Arvid and I will be in a plane again. 
 Norway here we come.  I have to say I am super excited
  Grand-daughters do brighten your life and having a good
 relationship with your step-daughters is definitely a plus.

I know the next couple of weeks will go by fast. 
 Excited as I mentioned, but also sad because Sniff will 
be home alone.  I know he will be well taken care of.  I just
 miss him so much, but at the same time I can't wait to
 see the little one, and give them big hugs and kisses.

Friday, not sure we will do much today nor do I think 
we want to.  We did quite a lot in Branson and I am still a 
bit tired.  I feel as if I do not get enough rest.  Getting up at 
4am sure does not help, but some days I just can't help it.

Sniff is clingy, we love it and he never leaves our side.  
Boy he sure misses us as much as we miss him.  In bed
 I said, "I missed you so much Sniff-Sniff."  Then
 I heard Arvid say, "I missed you also."

To all a very good day and enjoy the longest
 day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere.

“Summer afternoon—summer afternoon; 
to me those have always been the two most 
beautiful words in the English language...
