May 31, 2024

Friday May 31st~

To find peace, sometimes you have to be willing 
to lose your communication with people, places and
 things that create all the noise in your life...

 And just like that another month is done with.  May sure
 flew by faster than most, at least that is my impression.

An early morning walk.  Peaceful and calming.  I really 
don't want to get up at 5:50 in the morning, but it's the best
 time to beat the heat.  Good thing I don't do it everyday🙈.
The workers finished this roof in one day.  We watched.

Yesterday this memory popped up.  It is one of my favorite 
pictures of our little Shadow.  This was the first time he was
 going to go to the vet.  November 2015.  As always he
 was cool as a cucumber.  Fearless he was ❤

Arvid is at a trade meeting, doing what he loves.  He's been 
there since yesterday, but I choose to not go.  This particular
 place the meeting is being held hold absolutely no interest to me.
  I really did try to find something I could do during the time Arvid
 would be in the meeting, but could not come up with anything.  

Instead I stayed home.  I took a friend in the building out
 to lunch, who also happens to be Sniff's pet-sitter.  We had
 Indian food.  Was so good.  Arvid does not like Indian so unless I
 am on my own I rarely get to enjoy it out much.  It's good to have
 some time on my own.  Already have today all planned out.

A very good morning/good day to all.  Time to get going.  
My day is packed and I need to get as much done as possible.

 Life humbles you as you age.  You realize
 how much time you wasted on nonsense...


May 30, 2024

Thursday May 30th ~

To be alive, and be given a chance at life, is beautiful...

This is how my morning began and I could not be any happier.

I also had a little early morning walk around the pool deck,
 always good.  It was as usual peaceful and quiet.  I'm a morning 
person, but when I do the walk I get up at 5:30 in the morning.  
Lately it has not been so easy 😟to get out of bed.  Age😂?

Mornings make me happy.  It's just my time with my music 
and my thoughts.  Peaceful, before the "real" day begins.

I was wrong about the work coming to a halt.  Yesterday 
afternoon we saw workers again.  Arvid was so happy he took
 time off from whatever it is he does in his office and said, 
"I'm going to sit on the balcony and keep an eye on the guys"  
Yup, as if he were their supervisor.  He's happy as can be.

Everything is blooming and the colors as you step out just beautiful.
  I am really enjoying our time here even with this intense heat.

Taking pictures is savoring life 
intensely, every hundredth of a second...


May 29, 2024

Wednesday May 29th~

Good things happen to those who hustle...
Yesterday was an interesting day. There was an 
antique roadshow in our area. Of course Arvid and I were
 there bright and early to beat the crowd and the heat. 
Can you believe another couple beat us there? 

We brought with us many collectibles to be appraised. 
Arvid hand selected his items.  This is when he’s most happy. 
 He traded for these items, and I think he's attached to them. 
 Unless the deal makes sense he won't/never give in.   

The thing with Arvid is that I don't know that 
he actually wants to give up anything.  He would 
much rather trade it for vacant land for instance.

Other than that a pretty quiet day. It was spent mostly
 indoors because of the heat.  Pretty extreme. It’s been a
 while that we have been in Florida at this time of the year. 
We are usually in Branson.  Boy do I miss it right now with 
it’s cooler temperatures 😍, but that being said, all is good 
even if we don’t get outdoors as much as we like.

A good day to all.  Arvid still has a few random soccer games.
  May not be teams he knows, but he's still happy.  As he puts it, 
it kills some time.  His worst enemy is boredom as is mine.

Is life not a thousand times too 
short for us to bore ourselves...


May 28, 2024

Tuesday May 28th~

Do anything, but let it produce joy...

 Around 11 in the morning yesterday Arvid asked me,
 "so what shall we do today?"  I said we should probably 
go and check out the new place that just opened up:
 Bay Street Yard.  Of course he said "good plan."  

The day was going to be very hot so we planned on 
going a bit later than our usual afternoon walks.

The drinks are delicious and they make everything 
you can want for.  There was live music the last 3 days and 
according to their website there will be live music most days.
  We had a good time and this is just one of the many new
 "things" coming downtown Fort Myers.  We're happy.

There is also food provided by three food trucks. 
 Check out their website.  Pretty cool place.

A good day to all.  It will be another scorcher for us.

The true secret of happiness lies in taking a
 genuine interest in all the details of daily life...


May 27, 2024

Monday May 27th~

It takes 20 years to build a reputation and
 five minutes to ruin it.  If you think about
 that, you'll do things differently...

 Your reputation is everything as of course is the reputation
 for instance the place where you live.  No one wants to
 be living in a place that has a bad reputation, sometimes
 there is no other choice.  This city in Broward County, 
Florida right now is having  bad day to put it mildly. 

I think humor is the best way to get through so many things.  
I see the funny side always.  Some may think I am "weird" 
but that is also funny, because the truth is I am a little weird. 
 Just ask Arvid.  He will definitely confirm it, and gladly😂

The week is looking good we have a few things going on 
so that always makes for good times and of course staying
 busy is a plus.  Both Arvid and I get restless way too fast.

Sniff is good.  Doing what he does best, taking it easy, 
getting brushed and having a lot of naps.  He like us, loves
 his life. A good day to all and a happy week ahead.  Today
 is a holiday in the USA.  Have a good one and be safe.

 A good day to all and a great week ahead.  HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY!

 Have a great week. You shouldn't lose three things this week; 
your faith, courage, and smile. Happy new week...


May 26, 2024

Sunday May 26th~

 Keep Pounding.   LETS GO CATS! We have the Talent.
We have the Heart…we have paid our dues…TIME FOR Sir 
PANTHER.  This is the year of the Panther...

 The Florida Panthers (NHL) are in the playoffs for the 
Stanley Cup.  When we were in Fort Lauderdale there were 
banners everywhere already celebrating the Panthers.  Hopefully
 this will be their year 🙏 to win the Stanley Cup.  It's been a 
long time now since Arvid and I went to a hockey game.

Arvid and I sampled quite a few drinks.  The best were in
 this restaurant called Cuba Libre on Las Olas.  The Latin people 
just know how to do the drinks right.  Especially the ones I like.
  The best drinks I have ever had was in Puerto Rico. So good.

Of course we could not go all the way to Fort Lauderdale 
and not go to Houston's.  So many places to choose from, but this
 one always wins out.  The only place we both eat the same thing.

The beach was preparing for the long weekend with many 
hotels setting up a a little booth directly on the sand.  Memorial Day
 weekend, definitely a party brewing just about everywhere right now.

It was really good to check out our old stomping grounds.
  Sit and watch the boats go by, but at the end of the day it felt so 
good to be going back home to where life is a bit less hectic.

The Carrie B, still in the same spot.  One of our 
condos was right across from it.  Brutus' first home.

Another favorite and where we also lived.  Lauderdale-by-the-Sea.

I ate way too many things that are "bad" for you, but I loved it all.

A trip to Fort Lauderdale is never complete without 
a visit to the Swap Shop.  Got my coconuts and a lot of
 mangoes, guavas, lychees, papayas and more.  I'm happy.

Looking forward to a quiet and relaxing day at home.  
A little outing later in the day, but for now we take it easy 
and relax.  Arvid found a couple of soccer games to watch so 
he's happy.  Sniff about to take a nap.  All is good at home.

This is a long weekend (3 day) for most Americans.  It's Memorial Day 
Weekend.  Memorial Day, originally known as Decoration Day, is a federal
 holiday in the United States for honoring and mourning the U.S. military 
personnel who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces.

Another beautiful start of the day.  Cool breezes and clear skies. 
 This is the full moon of yesterday.  Taken by Damon Powers Photography
  rising over the Sunshine Skyway Bridge.  Just stunning/impressive.

Wishing everyone a happy and safe Memorial Day Weekend

America without her soldiers would
 be like God without His angels...


May 25, 2024

Saturday May 25th~

 Life is about making good times and good memories...

Another beautiful morning for a little walk by the
 pool deck.  Today it was a bit "cooler" start of the day
 compared to what it is going to be.  Once again this
 morning the moon graced us with its presence.

To see the sky change colors in the morning never ceases to
 amaze me.  I think I spend more time looking at it and taking 
pictures than actually walking, but I sure enjoy myself.

Mornings are always close to perfection during my walks.
  I love the quietness of being all by myself, with just my 
thoughts and the catching the first glows of sunlight.

Today we plan to just take it easy.  Do nothing but watch 
TV and relax.  My heels hurt from so much walking.  I 
seem to have the bad habit of walking on my heels.

A good day to all.  As always it's good to be home.

At the end of the day, if I can say I had fun, it was a good day...


May 24, 2024

Friday May 24th~

At the end of the day, if I can say I had fun, it was a god day...

Oh what a night.  What a very special time for me.  
As I remember, what a night.  Beautiful times 🧡This 
was a while back when we lived in Fort Lauderdale

 I didn't think I would ever be saying this but, I was sure 
happy to see the iguanas again.  I know, I know they cause 
damage to the infrastructure by digging burrows that erode 
and collapse sidewalks, foundations, seawalls, berms
 and canal banks.  Still made me smile to see him.

We had a very good day yesterday.  A little business
 and a lot of none business.  For a day it was well worth
 the drive, we sure got a lot done.  It was a happy day.

Just checking out old stomping grounds where 
Arvid and I, and our kitties had a lot of good times.  
Remembering places we enjoyed.  Memories 💛

Sitting by the river and just having quiet relaxing times.

Looking forward to being home again.  There is no place 
like home, and I can't wait to see Sniff.  It was fun to get
 away for a bit, but more fun to be heading back to home.
  Of course can't forget to stop at the Swap Shop for 
my coconuts and and a few other tropical fruit.

No matter who you are or where you are, 
instinct tells you to go home...


May 23, 2024

Thursday May 23rd ~

True happiness is found inside the heart...

 Our evenings are special in that we both
 have quality with Sniff, and all three of us sure 
love every minute of it, and look forward to it.

A typical evening.  Sniff first sits with me, but come 
 9 o'clock he leaves me and hops up with Arvid.  Always the 
same without fail.  9 o'clock Arvid uses the restroom, Sniff goes
 and nibbles a little then waits for his dada to sit and up he goes.

I love this time of the day because Arvid is relaxed, the 
day's work is accomplished and we have time together to just
 sit and watch TV without the phones ringing or too many 
interruptions.  We love these evenings.  Quiet, peaceful.

When Brutus was alive and we had to leave him home
 alone for days/weeks I was always worried that because he was 
too attached to us it would not be easy.  Now the same is happening
 with Sniff; if anything he is even more attached.  Of course, I am 
already worried that soon we will be leaving him for weeks.

This morning was just spectacular.  I went out early 
and this is what I saw.  The moon over Paradise.

Of course it was too beautiful a moon to not take many pictures.

Good morning and a good day to all.  The weekend is almost here. 

Life is better when you cry a little, laugh a lot, 
and are thankful for everything you’ve got...
