Our anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its
sorrows, but only empties today of its strengths...
Every new month offers a fresh start, a chance to
reset and pursue your/our goals with renewed enthusiasm.
April signals the green light to summer. Back in Branson
my Geralds/groundhogs are coming out of hibernation.
I sure miss them. Miss my wildlife friends a lot.
I wake up everyday grateful for so many things. Like
many, I have had some tough times in life, but at the same
time so many good ones. Life is a daily balancing scale.
You have to always take the good with the not so good.
May your April be beautiful, peaceful and full of promises kept.
April 1st from mom and dad's home in North Carolina 💚
As long as you are breathing, there is more right with
you than wrong with you, no matter what is wrong...