Mar 31, 2024

Sunday March 31st~ Easter

Easter is meant to be a symbol of hope, renewal, and new life...

May you enjoy time with the ones you love.  Today and always.

A few (quite a few) years ago.  Arvid and I in Key Largo during Easter.

10 Fun Facts about Easter you Probably Didn't Know
The Easter Bunny legend began in Germany. ...
The holiday was named after the Anglo-Saxon Goddess, Eostre. ...
More than 1.5 million Cadbury Creme Eggs are produced every day. 
The act of painting eggs originates from a Ukrainian tradition

It's a beautiful day here.  Perfect to do something outdoorsy.

Easter is the only time when it's perfectly 
safe to put all your eggs in one basket...


Mar 30, 2024

Saturday March 30th~

An important reason why spending time with your 
family is essential is because tomorrow is never promised...

 Wishing everyone a very good weekend and 
a happy Easter.  Hopefully you get to spend it with
 your loved ones making those forever memories. At 
the same time, why not indulge in some good foodies.

Today our second grand-daughter turns 9.  To know 
her is to love her.  She is funny, smart and constantly on the go.  
Full of life and they typical description of sugar and spice. 
 That's our Vanessa.  We love you little one and we can't
 wait to see you and everyone come summer.

Last night Arvid and I had a little outing downtown.  Never
 disappoints, and always something interesting going on.  Last
 night it was all about Jesus.  He does this every year, at least since
 we've been in Fort Myers.  Just sits and people approach him.  Always 
in the same spot.  Same clothes.  same look.  Happy Easter all.  

May you live in interesting times...


Mar 29, 2024

Friday March 29th~

Let the last sunset of the month paint 
your goals and dreams with hopeful hues...

March is soon coming to an end.  I can't believe how fast it
 "flew" by.  Arvid, Sniff and I have had a very good March
 so far.  It was a pretty busy month in so many good ways.

Yesterday we were tired.  Wednesday was a very long and
 in many ways stressful day, but the last part of it was relaxing 
and enjoyable.  Yesterday our condo building also turned 
off the water from 8am to 4pm.  A scheduled maintenance.  
We took off as usual and did some mall hopping.  Made us 
even more tired.  It was a beautiful day, but very windy.

Woke up to a cooler morning and a beautiful sunrise. Love it.
 The moon was still visible as you can see in the first picture.

Sometimes you lie in bed at night and you don't have a single 
thing to worry about. That always worries me...


Mar 28, 2024

Thursday March 28th~

 Happiness isn’t a goal… it’s a by-product of a life well lived...

Going back to Fort Lauderdale brings back a lot of 
great memories and beautiful times we have had.  Arvid 
and I have lived in many a beautiful places and the last one 
we had in Fort Lauderdale was sure one of my favorites.  
How can you beat this view we had from our balcony? 

I did get to the Swap Shop and did get many of my favorite fruit.  
That alone makes the two and a half hour long trip worthwhile.

In the middle of all the rushing and people, we did get to spend
 a few good hours with Victoria and Michael.  Made up for the
 hecticness of the day.  We did get to Houston's for lunch and as
 always that was as always a perfect time.  It would have been nice 
to be able to celebrate a little with everyone, but our drive was 2.5

Back home our Sniff was waiting at the door.  No
 matter what, it's always so good to be back home.

Happiness is seeing life for what it is in all the little moments...


Mar 27, 2024

Wednesday March 27th~

Hanging out day by day, we make 
our memories in our own little way...

 Today we take a little trip to Fort Lauderdale.  As always a 
little business first and then some fun relaxing times afterwards. 
 We will also meet up with Victoria and Michael for lunch at 
one of  Arvid's  and my favorite restaurants on the water.

As always I make time to go to the Swap Shop and get my fruit.
  Always coconuts.  Most of the others I can get back home in 
Fort Myers so that's not so critical.  I hope to find longans. It's
 one of my favorites.  Persimmon not so easy to find right
 now.  Hope the Swap Shop has it.  Mangoes, guavas 
and many others I find in our swap shop back home.

Sniff is home alone.  He can catch up on his sleep and 
before he knows it we will be back home with him.

A perfect day out is filled with laughter, 
sunshine, and good company...


Mar 26, 2024

Tuesday March 26th~

Life is too short to spend it at war with yourself...

 Whenever we head downtown, which is quite often, we 
have to pass by a few of my favorite places.  One being 
Luminary Hotel and its surrounding areas.  Always makes
 for a very pleasant time.  Yesterday was no exception.

Walking back home is also always a pleasant time. 
 If we're lucky we get to cat the sunset.  Other times we see
 the stars and the moon.  Either way it's a good time.

Here at home Sniff and I are always awake early.  Sniff makes
 sure he gets his brushing and playtime.  In fact, he demands it.

Yesterday I fed many birds and squirrels.  Made 
me very happy.  Wishing everyone a good day.

Remember, you're the one who
 can fill the world with sunshine...


Mar 25, 2024

Monday March 25th~

 Challenges are what make life interesting.
Overcoming them is what makes life meaningful...

And just like that a new week begins and March
 is just about over πŸ™ˆ.  So far it has been a good 
month filled with sunshine, making memories
 with family and enjoying life to the fullest.  

Looking forward to the new week and whatever 
it holds.  Always  interesting to see what happens
 when we least expect it.  Maybe not always
 great, but always something interesting.

Yesterday was a perfect day to be dining outdoors,
 and we are lucky we can do it right by the water.

Wishing everyone a great week ahead and let's 
remember that obstacles are those frightful things 
you see when you take your eyes off your goal.

Magic is believing in yourself.  If you can make 
that happen, you can make anything happen...


Mar 24, 2024

Sunday March 24th~

Some people look for a beautiful place. 
Others make a place beautiful...

 Sniff and I have been awake since 3am.  Sniff has 
been brushed, played with and fed.  Now he is back 
to taking a snooze.  Wish I could do the same.

Getting up this early is not to my liking.  By early afternoon 
I am so very tired.  I wish I know why I wake up this early.
  I try to go back to sleep, but after lots of turning and 
twisting I give up and get out of the bed.  Long days'

Yesterday Arvid and I went out and listened to music.  
Little did we know that there was music everywhere.  Seems
 there was some kind of motorcycle gathering, lots of motorcycles
 so each restaurant and street corner had live music.  Was a treat
 all right.  The music was also good.  We had a good time.

We checked out the music in a few places.  Met a few 
people and now we are a little "worried" that we have suddenly 
become their best friends.  The lady has not stopped texting me.  Arvid
 said the husband was nice, but that the lady was a little "too much" 

It's Palm Sunday today.  When we were little girls
 growing up in Guyana the church played a big role
 in our lives.  As I grew up, I just didn't feel it.

I don’t go to church regularly.
 But I pray for answers to my problems...


Mar 23, 2024

Saturday March 23rd~

If you own this story you get to write the ending...

Wednesday was a very beautiful day, made even more
 special because we spent it with family.  Victoria and Michael 
visited us, and we spent most of the day having a great time🌴. 
 Peaceful and relaxing.  Good food, great drinks and company.
I forgot to make the post on Thursday, but here it is.

We had many hours together which was nice, but
Sniff was most happy when we finally sat down for the
 evening and he was able to snuggle up with us.  We all
 have routines and some are more special than others.

Yesterday it rained just about all day long.  I was 
so worried about "my" eagle family M15, F23 and E23. 
 It seems aside from a good soaking they are all doing 
great.  Today some more rain, hopefully not as much

Today we have a few chores to do at home.  Something 
we look forward to.  Staying busy that's always what we aim for.  
For us inactivity is the enemy πŸ˜‚ A good day to all and remember, 
it does not matter how slowly you go, as long as you do not stop.

 Life is short, and if we enjoy every moment
 of every day, then we will be happy no matter what
 happens or what changes along the way...


Mar 22, 2024

Friday March 22nd~

 It's a beautiful day,  I think I'll skip
 my meds and stir things up a bit...

Yesterday Arvid and Sniff went out on the balcony for 
a little, while I was busy in the kitchen preparing lunch.  They 
relaxed, I worked.  Arvid got there first, but then he left and 
Sniff "stole" his chair.  Arvid got back, Sniff looked at him,
 then Arvid brought the second chair and the two shared
 time on the balcony.  I like seeing them like this.

It is predicted to rain the entire day, and they didn't lie.  
It is already raining.  A good day to go to the movies, that is 
unless there is so much rain.  Arvid does not like rain, 
personally I don't mind, but that does not mean I 
want to get get out and get all wet either.

Today our eldest grand-daughter turns 11.  I look 
at he and my hear melts.  Happy birthday Aleah.

December 2013, the first time we saw her.
  She was already 8 months and some weeks.  Loved
 her from day one and it has only gotten better.

Wishing everyone a happy day.  Tomorrow our 
nephew max turns 31.  The time is going so fast.
  Just the "other" Max was just a baby as well.

Time flies but memories last forever.  
The love we share with family makes time fly by


Mar 20, 2024

Wednesday March 20th~

It takes nothing away from 
a human to be kind to an animal...

 It was another beautiful day here.  Perfect for a walk 
and to feed some of my little friends on the way.  On this 
day there were a few squirrels, pigeons and birds.   I love 
them all and at the same time it makes me miss my wildlife 
friends in Branson.  I miss seeing the cardinals, the deer, 
my Geralds, all my buddies.  I love them all so much.  

Here in Fort Myers we have never seen an iguana.  When 
we lived in Fort Lauderdale they were there all the time.  They
 are considered a pest, and I never thought I would miss seeing 
them.  One lived on the palm tree by our condo.  I would 
see him everyday and of course had to take pictures.

I am still happy with whatever little friends I meet
 on our walks.  I'm always ready with food for them.

To all a very good day.  Remember  all animals deserve our
 love and compassion, our kindness and consideration.

The last few days have been on the cooer side. 
 Mostly in the morning hours.  Love it as long as 
it warms up during the day, which it does.

Life is as dear to a mute creature as it is to a man...


Mar 19, 2024

Tuesday March 19th ~

May every sunrise hold more promise 
and every sunset hold more peace...

To start the day with a beautiful sunrise and to be lucky
 enough to end it with an amazing sunset.  That is living 
your best life as far as I'm concerned.  These were
 all taken in Fort Myers.  The last one by me. 

Yesterday Arvid and I went to a car show not too 
far from us.  Many pretty cars to see.  of course Arvid is
 always looking to see what kind of a deal he can make.

A love between a man and his car can only
 be understood by those who have felt it.  

Unleash the Power, Make Every Mile Count.

The day was beautiful filled with sunshine and beautiful cars.

Arvid and I enjoyed our day and look forward to going
 back in a couple of weeks.  Always interesting to
 see who you meet and what can be done.

A good day to all.  Sniff and I have been awake since 1am.  
I am already exhausted.  Sniff is back to taking a nap.

I remind myself every morning: Nothing I say 
this day will teach me anything. So, if I’m 
going to learn, I must do it by listening...
