Feb 18, 2024

Sunday February 18th!

Nobody fights you like your own sister; nobody else
 knows the most vulnerable parts of you and will aim for
 them without mercy.  Sisters are the perfect best friend...

 Today Rima celebrates a big milestone in her life.
  Another birthday and this year she and her husband are
 celebrating in New Orleans.  Unlike Arvid and I they do
 just about everything possible.  Same as Nina and David.  
They sure are painting the town red.  The French Quarters 
sure never expected someone like Rima 😂

Last night Arvid and I went out to listen to music. 
 Neither of us thought the venue would be al aire libre. 
 Lets just say it was windy, chilly, and of course it rained 
towards the end.  Even so we had a good time.  

Luckily we had a blanket in the car.  I was 
wrapped in it most of the night.  For the first part of the 
evening a lady saw that I was really cold, she lent me her 
very warm sweater all the way from New England

 I was nice and toasty for the first part of the evening,
 after that I was wrapped in a warm blanket.  I don't mind the 
stares of people.  I was very warm😍and comfy.

Rainy day here.  Time to stay indoors and get cozy,
 although for some reason I am really keen on going to the mall. 
 Rain never killed anyone is how I see it 😂 Happy day all.
Sniff is already making the most of this rainy day.

You don't have to get wet to be good friends with the rain!
 Just feel the rhythm of the raindrops in your soul...
