Winter is coming. We know what's coming with it...
The other day my sister sent me a picture. She said "I
pull it out every winter. Keeps me warm." I'm not one to get
souvenirs, but I loved these socks. My sister and my mom
both are warmer in winter with them. And they look cute.
Can't forget my T-cup either. I love t-cups.
On Sunday our youngest granddaughter had her birthday party.
She will actually turn 2 on October 31st. Yes, she was born on
Halloween Day. Since Halloween is a "busy" day, she had an
early birthday celebration. We may not have been there, but we
sure enjoyed the pictures and videos that was shared with us.
Sniff is getting in the Halloween spirit, at least I am trying to get
him into it, because nothing like taking pictures of my Sniff Sniff.
Yesterday was the first of three doctors appointments scheduled
for this week. Next week lucky me, just two unless but I am waiting
for a call back to see a specialist. All depends when I get the call and
when they have an opening. Having a "condition" is a hindrance.
Good morning and a good day to all. Remember to
always live life to the fullest, and focus on the positive.
You'll never do a whole lot unless you're brave enough to try...