Oct 8, 2023

Sunday October 7th~

Sometimes little acts of self-care and
 self-understanding make all the difference...

 In October we wear pink 💞 During Breast Cancer Awareness 
Month in October and throughout the year—people wear pink ribbons
 to honor survivors, remember those lost to the disease, and to support
 the progress we are making together to defeat breast cancer.

Be informed, self examine your breasts for abnormalities and
 get screened at any nearby clinic.  #getchecked.  On another note,
 Arvid and I had our first outing downtown.  It sure did  not disappoint.

There was a live band, the evening was beautiful and of course 
we could not miss out on our slice of pizza before walking back home.
  And yes, "sex on the city" my favorite drink in one of our hangouts
 was as good as always.  It was just a beautiful outing.

A good day to all.  Sniff, Arvid and I woke up a little late today. 
 Sniff was not too happy to get out of bed...but we did so he 
did as well.  He's now napping close to me.  Rough day.

Hopefully today we will head to Fort Myers Beach and check
 out the changes that took place since Hurricane Ian hit last year.

Habits develop into character. Be happy with who you are...
